Intimate conversation with Pres. Jimmy Carter

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Feb. 12, 2009 at 7:00PM
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About the book, "We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work"
President Jimmy Carter delivers a practical, balanced, and achievable plan for attaining peace in the Middle East and addresses the controversy generated by his bestselling book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, in WE CAN HAVE PEACE IN THE HOLY LAND: A Plan That Will Work. To many Americans, the tormented relationship between Israelis and Palestinians seems like an endless quagmire. Yet Carter, drawing on decades of intimate involvement with the Middle East and its leaders, argues that this is a unique time for hope, not despair. The outlines of a peace agreement are clear and have broad international support. Tentative but significant steps are being taken or contemplated by key players, waiting to be consummated with American leadership. Most important, President Obama has promised that he will make a personal effort for Middle East peace beginning early in his administration.

But time is short, Carter warns. The opportunity for a genuine two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is quickly slipping away. Israel will soon have to choose between continuing as a democratic, predominantly Jewish state, or becoming a very different nation with a Palestinian majority. Furthermore, Carter contends, resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian question would help in dealing with other concerns in the Middle East, including Iraq, the radicalization of Muslims, and the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran.

As he assesses the current situation, Carter addresses the most difficult and contentious aspects of the conflict in the Holy Land, including Israel's "security fence," which is being built mostly on Palestinian land; Israeli settlements in the West Bank; bitter internal Palestinian divisions between the Fatah and Hamas parties; Hamas's refusal to recognize Israel or renounce violence; the status of Jerusalem, which both Israelis and Palestinians regard as their capital; and the difficult circumstances of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

As president of the United States and as founder of The Carter Center, Jimmy Carter has had a special opportunity to study the complex and interrelated issues in the Middle East and to consult with leaders of all significant factions in the region who will have vital roles to play in reaching the elusive goal of peace. "I have learned some useful lessons," he writes, "which I hope will help the reader understand the current situation more clearly." In WE CAN HAVE PEACE IN THE HOLY LAND, he describes the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, his own personal involvement and observations, present circumstances, key players, and steps that can and must be taken to realize the dream of peace.

About President Jimmy Carter:
Jimmy Carter was born in Plains, Georgia, and served as thirty-ninth president of the United States. He and his wife, Rosalynn, founded The Carter Center, a nonprofit organization that prevents and resolves conflicts, enhances freedom and democracy, and improves health around the world. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, President Carter is the author of numerous books, including An Hour Before Daylight, called "an American classic," and the #1 New York Times bestseller Our Endangered Values.

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