Getting in shape for prom can be cheap

"I mean I've been trying to find a cheap dress and if I can't find a cheap dress then find cheap shoes and I've just been trying to bargain hunt everything I possibly can do," said Rachel Karten, Willwood High School senior.

Excessive spending isn't part of this year's prom agenda, so senior Rachel Karten is looking for ways to get to prom without breaking the bank -- including shaping up.

"Basically I get a workout e-mailed to me and every week there's a new kind of challenge: drink water, take my macro greens," said Karten.

Karten is part of shape up program put on by teen gym, O2 Max Fitness.

"Everyone starts getting self-conscious about losing weight and dieting and we wanted to take a proactive approach and give girls a reason to exercise, eat positively and eat good foods and not starve themselves," said owner Karen Jashinsky.

Jashinsky says the 10-week program appeals to kids because most contact is made through e-mail and online, which is how most teens communicate.

At a dollar a week, they get workouts, nutrition info, even phone coaching from trainers. Even better, since the majority of the program is offered via the Web, teens all over the country can participate.

"It's great that I can do it at my house or I can also go to the gym to do them. Ultimately, it's like a support group to stay in shape for prom," said Karten.

Along with fitness and nutrition they also get fashion advice as well, but not about today's style, moreover, about how to work with a specific body type.

"Understanding what your body composition is and what exercises will be more beneficial for your body type. Certain dresses, certain clothing accentuate different body parts depending on what body type you have," said Jashinsky.

"Apples" want to lose belly fat that hangs around the midsection, while "Pears" target fat that clings to hips.

"It's really important to plan ahead and take a healthy approach, so gradually building up your endurance and gradually building up your workout and eating healthy along the way," said Jashinsky.

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In addition, O2 Max is offering promotional prizes for participants like discounts for limo, make-up parties and are working with local manicure-pedicure shops for group discounts.

Other great ideas? Hold a dress swap with friends or check bridal wear stores as some offer rentals.

Holding your own mani/pedi party the day of the event is another fun idea. Try calling around at local salons to see if they will honor a discount if a two or more schedule appointments.

Also, look to the grocery store for boutonnieres and corsages. Many markets like Ralphs have floral departments that aren't as pricey as flower shops.

Rather than dining out have a potluck at home inviting a group of couples and share the cost of the meal.

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