George's review: 'Transformers' exhausts

Hollywood Wrap with George Pennacchio
LOS ANGELES I loved the first one, but can't say the same this time around.

When "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is funny, the movie is fun to watch. The robots are cool and visually fascinating to watch. The actors are good, with Shia LaBeouf leading the way.

But there's not enough human contact here. The robots are definitely the stars at the expense of the real actors in the movie. Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson don't get nearly enough screen time, and when they do they don't get enough to do.

To their credit, all the actors in this movie know they are supporting players to machines who command much of the screen, sometimes with the help of some spectacular special effects.

If you don't closely follow the Transformers saga, you might get a little lost with the plot. I know I did. I also found it very loud -- sometimes it was all just overwhelming. It was too much for me, but probably perfect if you're 13 and go to movies waiting to say, "that was cool!"

The rock 'em, sock 'em fighting elements began to wear on me. I felt like the filmmakers were thinking, "We paid millions for this, it's going in."

The movie is about two hours and 20 minutes long, and that was too long for me.

This movie seems aimed at older boys and young men. I think it might be too hard for an eight year old to follow, but would your eight year old really care? Or would they just want to see those cool robots in action?

"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is rated PG-13.

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