Jobs in L.A. are hardest to land

SANTA MONICA, Calif. A list from job search Web site was put together to give people a sense of what city they should live in if they would like to find a job quickly. According to the list, Los Angeles is one of the worst places to be if you are looking for a job. says that out of the 50 most popular cities in the U.S., the easiest place to currently find a job is in Washington D.C., and Jacksonville, Florida respectively.

Los Angeles is number 47 on the list, Riverside is ranked 48. According to the ranking, the hardest place to find work right now is Detroit, Michigan.

Kevin Klowden, an economist with the Milken Institute says that Los Angeles is at the bottom of the list for a reason.

"Los Angeles city is a mature city that is a very popular place where people want to live but that value that people have for it has also made it very expensive for businesses to operate here," said Klowden.

Klowden says what makes it worse is that most businesses in Los Angeles are small operations.

"And those businesses tend to grow more locally. They don't have the big budget to recruit from outside. A lot of our big fortune 500 companies have moved away, been bought up or even if there still based here how to expand it or adding jobs in other places that are cheaper," said Klowden. based their results on how many job postings they have on their Web site to how many people are looking for employment in each city. In Los Angeles unemployment is hovering around ten percent.

"I have friends that were laid off and they have degrees and everything but they had a hard time getting back in even for them," said Sharmila Iyengar from Agoura Hills.

"I'm a cinematographer and I have to go to Pittsburgh to work. All the jobs, almost every job that I have had in the past two years is out of town," said Steve Fiereberg from Los Feliz.

Klowden says L.A. is no longer a boom town. But tourism and the entertainment industry is keeping a float.

"We're huge and you are never going to have metropolitan area this huge suddenly jump to the top of the ratings . But we will do better," says Klowden. updates their list once a month to help people who are looking for jobs.

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