City of Carson considers boycotting Arizona

CARSON, Calif. Arizona's controversial immigration legislation lead councilman Mike Gipson to put forth a resolution that the city of Carson boycotts the state and cut off any business dealings it has with Arizona.

But Tuesday night the council voted to send the resolution to committee for further review. And that didn't sit well with Gipson.

"I don't know why this council cannot move forward and why we have to send this to a committee," Gipson said. "This is politics and it's the worst kind of politics."

Gipson says Carson's ethnic diversity makes it the perfect city to take a stand against Arizona's law but the city's mayor says Carson has no business ties to Arizona and he calls Gipson's resolution hollow.

"It was merely the councilman pandering to the audience and grandstanding trying to be the first one to say that we're for the immigrants," mayor Jim Dear said. "That's not what this is about this is about civil rights for people in Arizona."

But Jack Kyser, the chief economist for Los Angeles County's economic development corporation, warns that Arizona could easily boycott California and that could hurt L.A.'s tourism economy and the countless jobs associated with it. And he wonders what will happen if other states adopt laws similar to Arizona's.

"Then you get into a real quandary how many places do we boycott and you look at business right now and they're probably sort of shaking their heads saying getting up off the floor from a very bad downturn," Kyser said.

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