Polar bear cub unveiled at New York zoo


The western New York zoo is one of only two zoos in North America to have polar bear births in 2012.

The cub was born on Nov. 27 and has been hand raised by the zoo's veterinary technician and keeper staff.

The zoo's furry resident is full of energy and loves to play with his caregivers.

"She's really cute right now when she's sleeping," Alice Rohauer said laughing. "She is fun to take care of. She plays a lot more now. She interacts with me a lot more. She plays with toys now so it's fun to watch. She is a handful now but its fun."

Over the past two years, the zoo has raised $14 million of the $18 million needed to build a new entrance and polar bear exhibit. They are now asking residents of western New York and surrounding areas to help raise the remaining $4 million.

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