Snake found at Skid Row storage facility


The storage facility, located on the outskirts of Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, is where many homeless people keep their personal belongings. It seems someone stored something at bit more exotic.

Charles Johnson, an employee at the facility, said he was cleaning out unclaimed containers Friday morning when he came across a giant snake.

The snake was in a box stashed in a suitcase. It had been there at least a week. Johnson alerted his bosses, who then alerted animal control.

"At 6:30 in the morning, you don't expect that. It's quiet in here, dark, nobody in here except me and my boss, and here we get this object, so wow, my heart kind of palpitated at the time," Johnson said.

An animal control officer was able to get the snake into a sack. They believe the reptile is either a python or boa constrictor.

"It was a good size. It was 3 1/2 or 4 inches in diameter and between 5 and 6 foot long," Johnson described.

People who live and work in the area say they've pretty much seen everything - but a snake in a box still raised some eyebrows.

The snake appeared to be in good health. It was taken to the Los Angeles Animal Shelter in case the owner ever emerges to claim the reptile.

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