Caltrans has more than 700 electronic highway signs that read, "Serious drought, help save water," to help remind California that we need to conserve.
Last year was the driest year on record for the state, and 2014 has not brought much relief. The Metropolitan Water District has issued a water-supply alert and will give rebates to those who purchase water-saving devices to serve as an incentive to help the situation.
Gov. Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency last month. He is expected to meet Wednesday with farmers and growers at the World Ag Expo. Famers and growers definitely feel the impact when the water tables are as low as they are.
Several rural communities and water districts in California may run out of water within the next three months.
Californians are urged to take steps to conserve. You can fix leaky pipes, make sure not to leave faucets or showers running longer than they need to, and refrain from watering lawns and gardens.