A musical-theater actress spends her time during pandemic staying positive and writing a song in tribute to Dr. Anthony Fauci.
LOS ANGELES -- Singer Bets Malone doesn't have a stage to perform on right now but she does have a platform. And she's using her voice to sing about the Covid-19 pandemic. Her latest song is a new take on old classic. And she wrote it for a man we've all come to know. Malone took one of her favorite songs, "You Made Me Love You," changed up the words and turned it into "Dear Dr. Fauci."
"I just feel like Dr. Fauci's been there for so long and I feel like he's braved a lot of storms and a lot of criticism and I do have a crush on him," said Malone. "I think he's a magician. I'm trying to stay away from the satiric negativity and try and to just do positive things."
Malone knows it will be some time before she's able to do what she's done for years: perform for a live audience.
"Our industry will be the last to come back, especially the live performers. And so I know most of my friends, we are just crossing our fingers and saying hopes and prayers every night that the scientists pull through for us," said Malone.
The veteran performer notes there is one famous musical now being performed under a tent in a Massachusetts parking lot, having met all the state and union safety guidelines...including something very different for the performers.
"They just did a production of 'Godspell' in the Boston area and everybody was behind Plexiglas in their own little boxes. It's like the only, like, union-sanctioned show happening right now in the United States and my friend choreographed it and it's just a different looking thing, you know?" said Malone.