Kids hilariously confused by VCRs and VHS tapes

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Kids today are growing up in a very technologically savvy world. For them, many tasks involve little more than a click of a button, especially when it comes to activities like watching a movie at home. So when a group of kids was presented an old school VCR, they were understandable (and adorably) perplexed.

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"Is it a radio," one girl asks as she stared at the bulky box that was once synonymous with at-home entertainment.

The first consumer VCR was produced in 1976, decades before any of the children in the video were born.

When the narrator explains that VCRs could also be used to record programs from a television set, many of the children were confused. When asked how they record shows at home, the most common response was "the record button on the remote."

The kids were equally perplexed by the idea of VHS tapes; especially the idea that the quality of the tape degraded the more you watched it.

"I think that's so bad I'm just going to barf," one boy said.

And in a world of on demand, Netflix and Hulu, the idea of driving to a video store to rent a movie was completely lost on them.

According to the video, the top-selling VHS of all time was Disney's "The Lion King." Released in 1995, it went on to sell 30 million copies.

When asked why they think VCRs have gone by the wayside, the children's response was simple. "We have made better things," on girl declared.

What technology was popular when you were a kid but doesn't exist anymore? Let us know in the comments below.

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