2 Los Angeles residents die of flu-related illnesses, health officials say

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Thursday, January 14, 2016
A flu vaccine is shown in this undated file photo.
A flu vaccine is shown in this undated file photo.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Two Los Angeles residents died from influenza-related illnesses in the last days of 2015, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

One person was a man in his 40s and the other was a woman in her 90s. Public health officials said both people had pre-existing medical conditions that made them more susceptible to severe illness from the flu virus.

In light of the deaths, the department and the Centers for Disease Control remind residents to get the latest flu vaccination and always wash their hands.

The CDC estimates an average of 24,000 flu-related deaths happen each year in the U.S. People who are at higher risk for the flu include young children and the elderly.

More information on the flu can be found at publichealth.lacounty.gov/flusurveillance and cdc.gov/flu.

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