Little girl falls while running to greet Stitch at Disneyland

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Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Young Disney fan falls running to greet Stitch
Disneyland's Stitch knew just what to do when a little girl took a tumble on her way to greet him.

ANAHEIM, Calif. -- One small Disney fan was so excited to see Stitch that she tried to reach him a little faster than her feet could handle.

In a video posted by her mom to her Instagram account, 2-year-old Emily is seen running toward the costumed character at Disneyland. Before she can get there, little Emily takes a tumble.

Stitch doesn't miss a beat. As Emily recovers, the adorable blue alien animatedly falls to the ground. Emily goes to greet him, and Stitch gives her a flower bracelet and a hug.

Emily's mom, Ally, also shared a video of Emily passing out Easter treats to all her Disney friends.

Ally often shares about Emily's Disney adventures to her Instagram account, "disney_princess_emily." Lilo and Stitch seems to be one of her favorites. Not only was she wearing a Lilo dress this time, but she has met Stitch while wearing a Stitch costume, too.

The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of this station.

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