SurveyUSA poll: Prop 63, ban on large-capacity magazines, likely to pass staff KABC logo
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
A gun magazine in a bed of bullets is shown in a file photo.
A gun magazine in a bed of bullets is shown in a file photo.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Proposition 63, which would ban large-capacity magazines and mandate background checks for ammunition purchases, is set to pass, according to the latest SurveyUSA poll.

The poll, conducted between Oct. 28 and Oct. 31, surveyed 900 Californians in a final review of the 2016 election before the Nov. 8 ballots are cast. Of those 900 interviewed, 847 are registered voters.

The survey shows that voters favor the magazine ban and background check proposition 2 to 1. In addition to the possible passage of that prop, Propositions 56 and 64 were also favored to pass.

Proposition 56, which would increase the tax on cigarettes by $2 per pack, would pass 60 percent to 33 percent based on those surveyed. Proposition 64, which would legalize, regulate and tax recreational marijuana, is slated to pass 54 percent to 39 percent, according to the poll.

In terms of the presidential election, Democrat Hillary Clinton has a 29-point lead over Republican Donald Trump among early voters, but only leads by 17 points among voters who have yet to fill out a ballot.

The survey was conducted after FBI Director James Comey announced continuing the investigation into Clinton's emails after new ones came to light during a separate investigation into Anthony Weiner. A laptop Clinton's aide Huma Abedin used belonging to Weiner may contain emails pertinent to Clinton's use of a private email server, according to the agency.

Of those polled, 33 percent had an extremely unfavorable view of Clinton, while 22 percent had an extremely favorable view of her. As for Trump, 52 percent had an extremely unfavorable view versus a 12 percent extremely favorable view.

Those polled also expressed their views on President Barack Obama, with 38 percent having an extremely favorable view and 26 percent saying their view of him was extremely unfavorable.

The Californians who were surveyed answered 27 questions about the election, here is the full list and the results of each.

1. California will elect a President on Tuesday, November 8. Please listen to these 6 statements and tell me which ONE statement best describes you: One: I have already voted. Two: I always vote in Presidential elections, and will definitely vote in this year's presidential election. Three: I always vote in Presidential elections, but this year, I do not like the candidates, so I will not vote in the presidential election this year. Four: I'm not sure yet whether I will or will not vote this year. Five: I rarely vote in Presidential elections, but this year I will go out of my way to vote. Six: I don't vote in Presidential elections, and I won't vote this year.

29% Already Voted

58% Always Do / Will This Year

2% Always Do / Not This Year

6% Not Sure Yet

5% Rarely Do / Will This Year

1% Don't / Won't This Year

2. If the election for President of the United States were today, and you were filling out your ballot right now, who would you vote for? (names rotated) Republican Donald Trump? Democrat Hillary Clinton? Libertarian Gary Johnson? or Green Party candidate Jill Stein?

35% Donald Trump (R)

56% Hillary Clinton (D)

4% Gary Johnson (L)

1% Jill Stein (G)

4% Undecided

3. Is yours more a vote FOR Donald Trump, or more a vote AGAINST Hillary Clinton?

65% For Trump

34% Against Clinton

1% Not Sure

4. Do you vote for Trump enthusiastically? Or with reservations?

69% Enthusiastically

30% With Reservations

0% Not Sure

5. Is yours more a vote FOR Hillary Clinton or more a vote AGAINST Donald Trump?

66% For Clinton

33% Against Trump

1% Not Sure

6. Do you vote for Clinton enthusiastically? Or with reservations?

63% Enthusiastically

34% With Reservations

3% Not Sure

7. Is yours more a vote FOR Gary Johnson? A vote AGAINST Donald Trump? Or a vote AGAINST Hillary Clinton?

43% For Johnson

23% Against Trump

29% Against Clinton

5% Not Sure

8. Is yours more a vote FOR Jill Stein? A vote AGAINST Hillary Clinton? Or a vote AGAINST Donald Trump?

58% For Stein

36% Against Clinton

3% Against Trump

3% Not Sure

9. In past Presidential elections, have you more often voted for the Republican candidate? More often voted for the Democratic candidate? Or have you in the past split pretty much down the middle?

53% Republican

30% Democrat

8% Split

9% Not Sure

10. In the election for United States Senator from California, if you were filling out your ballot right now, who would you vote for? (names rotated) Democrat Kamala Harris? Or Democrat Loretta Sanchez?

47% Kamala Harris (D)

27% Loretta Sanchez (D)

26% Undecided

11. There are 17 propositions on the California ballot this year. We are going to ask about 4 of them. First ... On Proposition 56, will you vote YES, to increase the tax on cigarettes to $2 per pack? Or will you vote NO, to leave the tax on cigarettes unchanged?

60% Yes On 56

33% No On 56

6% Undecided

1% Will Not Vote

12. On Proposition 62, will you vote YES, to replace the death penalty in California with life in prison? Or will you vote NO, to leave the death penalty in place?

39% Yes On 62

50% No On 62

10% Undecided

1% Will Not Vote

13. Proposition 63 is known as the Firearms and Ammunition Sales Initiative. A YES vote would require persons who want to buy ammunition to pass a background check with the California Department of Justice. And Proposition 63 would make it against the law to possess large-capacity ammunition containers, known as magazines. Will you vote YES on 63, to require background checks on ammo purchases and to make large-capacity magazines illegal? Or will you vote NO on 63, which would leave the existing system in place?

62% Yes On 63

31% No On 63

6% Undecided

1% Will Not Vote

14. Currently, medical marijuana is legal in California, but recreational marijuana is not. Proposition 64 would legalize and tax the recreational use of marijuana. Will you vote YES on Proposition 64, which would legalize the recreational use of marijuana by adults age 21 and older, and which would license, regulate and tax the marijuana industry? Or, will you vote NO on 64, which would keep state laws as they now are?

54% Yes On 64

39% No On 64

6% Undecided

1% Will Not Vote

15. Is your opinion of Barack Obama... extremely favorable? Favorable? Unfavorable? Or extremely unfavorable?

38% Extremely Favorable

24% Favorable

10% Unfavorable

26% Extremely Unfavorable

1% Not Sure

16. Is your opinion of Donald Trump ...

12% Extremely Favorable

22% Favorable

12% Unfavorable

52% Extremely Unfavorable

2% Not Sure

17. Is your opinion of Hillary Clinton...

22% Extremely Favorable

29% Favorable

13% Unfavorable

33% Extremely Unfavorable

2% Not Sure

18. Is your opinion of Jerry Brown...

15% Extremely Favorable

35% Favorable

20% Unfavorable

20% Extremely Unfavorable

10% Not Sure

19. Is your opinion of Dianne Feinstein ...

17% Extremely Favorable

31% Favorable

18% Unfavorable

20% Extremely Unfavorable

13% Not Sure

20. Is your opinion of Barbara Boxer ...

17% Extremely Favorable

31% Favorable

15% Unfavorable

23% Extremely Unfavorable

14% Not Sure

21. Here are 6 issues important to some voters but not to others. In deciding who to support for President, please tell me if a particular issue is ... extremely important, important, unimportant, or extremely unimportant. First, immigration. In deciding who you support for President, is immigration ...

46% Extremely Important

42% Important

9% Unimportant

2% Extremely Unimportant

1% Not Sure

22. Next, terrorism. In deciding who you support for President, if terrorism is ...

61% Extremely Important

31% Important

5% Unimportant

2% Extremely Unimportant

1% Not Sure

23. Next, Supreme Court appointments. In deciding who you support for President, if Supreme Court appointments are...

55% Extremely Important

35% Important

7% Unimportant

1% Extremely Unimportant

2% Not Sure

24. The environment. If the environment is...

47% Extremely Important

38% Important

11% Unimportant

3% Extremely Unimportant

1% Not Sure

25. Treatment of racial minorities. If the treatment of racial minorities is... ?

46% Extremely Important

37% Important

12% Unimportant

3% Extremely Unimportant

2% Not Sure

26. Treatment of gays, lesbians, and transgender persons. If the treatment of the GLBT community is ... ?

32% Extremely Important

40% Important

16% Unimportant

10% Extremely Unimportant

2% Not Sure

27. In the community where you live, do the police treat everyone the same? Or, are the police tougher on some groups than others?

56% Treat Everyone The Same

28% Tougher On Some Groups

15% Not Sure

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