FRESNO, Calif. -- In the parking lot of a Winco, Joe Campos lost consciousness with one punch to the jaw after he allegedly tried to return a stolen iPhone.
"I remember waking up to somebody helping me up. I got in my car, sat in my car -- still dizzy," he said.
Months later, the video showing the incident is just making its round on the internet. That's how detectives found suspect Johnny Renteria and arrested him Tuesday for felony battery.
"I don't know what he was thinking. I don't even know if he knew the truth," shared Campos.
The truth, according to Campos, is a phone purchase gone wrong. He said he bought an iPhone off of a man on the street and checked to make sure it wasn't stolen-- which you can do by checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity number through an online database.
"I buy iPhones, any kind of phone basically that's decent -- fix it, keep it, sell it, resell it. It's a hobby of mine," Campos added.
But another person in the video said he is not telling the truth. Missy, who does not want us to use her full name, is the suspect's girlfriend. Her phone was stolen from her family yard sale the morning Campos said he bought it.
"He's not a victim. He's not. I think I'm a victim; he stole from me and tried to extort money. I just think that's unfair," she said.
After the phone was stolen, Missy tracked the phone down using the Find My iPhone app.
Campos agreed to meet Missy in exchange for some money because he would be at a loss, but she said otherwise.
"First, he asked for $100, and then he asked for $50. He wanted money for the phone, he wasn't just returning it...," she said.
In the video, Campos is seen handing the phone over in what starts as a civil exchange.
Missy said the situation could have been handled differently, like calling the police, but said she still believes Campos is in the wrong.
"I can't speak for Johnny, I just can say this guy is not a good person. He's lying," she added.
Campos said since the video has gone viral he's had several lawyers contact him who are offering their services to sue.
"Yeah, I'm going to pursue it, make him hurt a little bit just like he did me," Campos said.
He added that he was out of work for at least a month from his injury but said he's doing better physically.
Meanwhile, Renteria bailed out after being arrested.