What to watch for in Trump's State of the Union address

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Will President Donald Trump declare he's building his border wall without congressional consent? Will he share a chilly moment with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with the nation watching? Who will make a statement by merely being in the room?

As the president prepares to deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday night, here are a few of the big things to watch for:

Trump is expected to have his second summit meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un later this month, but an exact date and location have yet to be announced.

In a recent interview with CBS, the president suggested he may reveal those details in his State of the Union address. Trump went on to say that he's "looking forward" to the meeting and that he has "fantastic chemistry" with Kim.

And while the president's own intelligence chiefs said in testimony to Congress last week that North Korea is unlikely to part with its nuclear program, Trump maintains "we have a very good chance of making a deal."

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