Tips to deal with unhealthy, smoky air from Woolsey Fire

Denise Dador Image
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Tips to deal with unhealthy, smoky air
Even if you can't see or smell smoke, experts say it could be affecting your health. Here are some tips for dealing with the unhealthy air.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Pulmonary intensivist Dr. David Kamrava says he is warning patients with underlying conditions to get someone else to run errands during unhealthy air quality from the Woolsey Fire.

A smoke advisory was in effect Tuesday, affecting everyone in areas directly impacted by smoke, including coastal Los Angeles County, the San Fernando Valley, the Santa Clarita Valley and the San Gabriel Mountains.

Doctors say N95-rated masks offer the best protection. For dry eyes, use moisturizing drops and to clear pollutants and your airways, use a Neti pot or nasal sprays.

Even indoors, smoke and fine particulate matter can seep in. Charcoal filters can help.

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