Diana, along with co-owner of BravaBody fitness Bonnie Stoll, created "the last workout you'll never quit."
"It's not for the person who goes to the gym every day," said Bonnie. "It's for the person who says, 'I'm going to the gym.' ... Day goes by ... no gym."
Both women are former world-class athletes. Diana still holds the world record for long-distance swimming. Bonnie is a former champion racquetball player who was ranked third in the world. But both women saw the need to help women over 40 years old who are not so fit. So they set out to help the unmotivated.
"Let's get competent and confident," said Diana. "So, we called our company Brava, like 'Good for you!' BravaBody."
They offer 12 different exercise vignettes viewable on their Web site for $19.95. So you won't need to download anything or buy a DVD, although those options are available.
The workout offers no nonsense, easy to follow movement. It starts with the basics and then moves from there.
"Six for Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Six different ones for Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday," said Bonnie. "You can do them forever. And you know what? They work."
The workout is designed for a small space in your house or apartment, no bigger than a beach towel. They also offer a set of one-minute exercises you can do at your desk called, the "Office Six."
"If you did them all slowly with incredible intention, you'd start saying, 'Oh my gosh ... And now I'm a little less angry at my boss,'" said Diana.
The Office Six costs $6. While the workout won't make you sweat, it can tone you up and motivate you to do more.
Bonnie says she sees many women taking care of their kids and even their parents. Bonnie has some advice for the women who do everything but take care of themselves.
"Make this the prime of your life. Take care of yourself now," said Bonnie.