Foods to use to wipe away household grime

LOS ANGELES Coffee is our morning brew of choice, but the grounds can also act as an odor eater, much like a box of baking soda.

All You magazine says you can use new or used grounds in a bowl to absorb unwanted smells. Replace them every month or two.

Tang or lemon-flavored Kool Aid will clean your dishwasher - not your dishes - when it is getting grimy. Put a few tablespoons in where you would fill detergent, and run the machine empty.

Using ice to clean your garbage disposal helps degrease the rotors and break up bits of food that clings. Toss a handful in, and turn on the cold water. Add orange or lemon peels to create a citrus perfume.

Most of us use plastic bags in the trash, yet lining the bottom of the can soaks up leaks and odors as well.

Many know to microwave a wet kitchen sponge for a minute to say goodbye to bacteria, but you can also do the same for cutting boards if they are microwaveable.

If your microwave has a residual smell, cut a lemon in half in a bowl of water, and microwave for five minutes. Wipe steam with a damp cloth.

Use lemon or baby oil on sink or shower areas once a month to help water to drain faster and keep dirt from clinging.

Baking soda and vinegar are some of the best cleaners around. Baking soda is for hard-to-remove stains, and vinegar is for cleaning chrome and stainless steel, along with bathroom mildew.

Who knew cola could clean a commode? Pour in cola, let it sit for an hour, brush, then flush.

Similar to an effervescent antacid tablet, the phosphoric acid breaks down mineral and rust deposits.

The June edition of All You magazine says both Worcestershire sauce or ketchup on a cloth can rub out brass that is getting dull and dirty, giving it a brilliant shine.

In addition, rubbing a sliced potato on a muddy slipcover or comforter is a great pre-treatment. Soak in cool water, then throw into the next laundry load.

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