Colton may lose 16 officers to budget woes

COLTON, Calif. "It's not a comfortable situation because there aren't a lot of other places that are hiring, no matter in law enforcement, or any other field," said Officer Nathan Hunt, who is at risk of being laid off. "It's hard for everybody right now."

If another round of cuts goes into effect in Colton, a worst case scenario could mean that the police department could shrink to about half the size it was three years ago.

"We are 100 percent committed to avoiding layoffs and maintaining public safety service levels if at all possible," said Colton Mayor David Zamora.

Some residents say layoffs might be necessary.

"I would like to see all our officers working, but they have to understand that the pay they're receiving is not real to the taxes coming in," said Colton resident Melissa Cuevas.

But others say with Colton's already high-crime rate, the city should do whatever it takes to maintain the police force.

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