Burglary suspects return stolen goods, leave note


Guilt apparently got the best of thieves who cleared out computers from a non-profit. Their apology offered encouraging words for the center's mission.

Burglars managed to bypass Candy Stallings' office's security system on July 31, clipping phone wires and alarm cables. They then got in through a crawlspace.

"I was just so devastated because six computers had been taken and I mean they're just vital to this operation," said Stallings.

Then, just hours after the burglary, the thieves returned everything, including a laptop computer with a note inside.

The note read [sic]: "We had no idea what we were takeing. Here your stuff back. We hope that you guys can continue to make a difference in people's lives. God Bless."

Word had gotten out on the street that the nonprofit organization, which provides help to victims of sexual assaults, had been burglarized.

In order to protect its clients San Bernardino County Sexual Assault Services does not have a sign outside.

Police are still trying to solve the case, but even they too were taken aback by the thieves' change of heart.

"In many years and decades of being in law enforcement, I've never seen someone return an item out of guilt," said San Bernardino Police Lt. Paul Williams.

"I don't know what to feel," said Stallings. "One minute I'm devastated, and the next minute I just thought, 'Wow, this is just incredible.'"

Stallings is going to frame the note. "It's going to continue to tell each and everyone one of the staff here that do this work that you never know when you're going to touch somebody," said Stallings.

The San Bernardino County Sexual Assault Services is still out $5,000 because of damage that they will have to raise themselves. If anyone is interested in donating or helping out they can contact candyir@aol.com or call (909) 855-8884.

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