DENVER -- Dramatic bodycam footage shows the kind of dangers that law enforcement officers can suddenly face without warning.
A deputy driving outside Denver sees a white SUV on the side of the road, so he pulls over to do a courtesy check.
Deputy Brad Proulx gets out of his squad car and walks up to the passenger side window and looks in.
He can see a driver sitting behind the wheel. As he walks around the back of the SUV, the driver suddenly gets out.
The man has an AR-15-type assault rifle in his hands. He appears to hit the deputy with the stock of the gun.
As the officer falls back, he is able to pull his service weapon and shoot the man, hitting him in the arm.
The deputy keeps his gun trained on the man until backup arrives and takes him into custody.
The Douglas County sheriff says the bodycam video shows how a simple stop, just to try and help a seemingly stranded motorist, can suddenly turn dangerous and potentially even deadly.