Full transcript of interview with 'Bachelorettes' Britt and Kaitlyn

ByJennifer Matarese WABC logo
Friday, May 15, 2015

NEW YORK -- Check out the full transcript from a conference call interview with the two "Bachelorettes" Britt Nilsson and Kaitlyn Bristowe about their first night inside "Bachelor Mansion".

It's a lengthy read, but there's a lot of good information inside. The conference call happened on Wednesday with both Kaitlyn and Britt separately with a lot of reporters from different news outlets and websites.

Question: So, first (off), just wanted to see - my first question is was it a tough decision to do this? Were you excited about it? Was it something that you had to kind of take your time to think about?

Britt Nilsson: I mean, yes, it's a huge decision. So, I did take time to think about it. But overwhelmingly, I just felt like it was the right decision. I felt like it was, you know, the next step. And I kind of saw love happening on the first season, and I felt like it was an amazing opportunity. So, I wanted to weigh it out because it is such a big deal but I felt like it was good, yes, from the beginning.

Question: Awesome. And then take us back to, I guess, that first night. I mean, did you - did you feel a lot of pressure kind of being, you know, up against Kaitlyn or is it just kind of you did your own thing and you just said all right, I'm just going to be myself and go with it? Or is it something that you kind of felt a lot of pressure and nerves by?

Britt Nilssson: Honestly, I mean the situation is nerve-racking just because you're going to meet 25 people and they're there for you. And yes, Kaitlyn is awesome, she's also a little bit intimidating, of course. But, I mean, honestly, I just felt like this is such a big deal when looking for like a life partner. It's - I can't do it wrong. All I can do is be myself. So, honestly, I wasn't as nervous as I was expecting to be when it came down to it.

Jennifer Matarese: So, I was wondering, how did you and Kaitlyn get along night one?

Britt Nilsson: You know what? It actually ended up being pretty cool that we were there. We were pretty good before like we sort of hanging out towards the end of Chris' season. And Kaitlyn's amazing. So, there was a lot of moments where we would just kind of look at each other like oh, my God. It was actually a little bit nice to have someone's support. And I'm glad it was Kaitlyn on the other side we just kind laughed a lot.

Jennifer Matarese: And, you know, what was one of the biggest surprises, if you could give us a little preview, what you encountered that first night?

Britt Nilsson: I mean, honestly, that night, everything was a surprise. We didn't know how it was going to work. We didn't know what it was going to look like. We have no idea who's going to get out of the limo. I mean, every single moment was a surprise, to be totally honest. It was crazy.

Question: Now, was there a moment after you learned that you were one of two bachelorettes that you were just kind of like, you know what, this isn't what I signed up for, I quit?

Britt Nilsson: I never had a moment where I thought I wasn't going to do it. No. But, of course, it was a consideration. I was like how was this going to work? And you know, this is my friend. It's just, you know, how is it going to work being in competition? I never felt like I shouldn't do it. No. I never had reservations about doing it.

Question: And then you just mentioned that you and Kaitlyn do have a great relationship so there's a good support system there that first night.

Britt Nilsson: Yes.

Question: But is there anyone from the season of the bachelor that if they had been in Kaitlyn's shoes instead of her you would have decided this wasn't for you?

Britt Nilsson: I would say yes, there are those people but I'm not going to name names. I think people can just infer who they think that might be. But Kaitlyn was a great choice, obviously.

Question: So when was the first time you found out there were going to be two bachelorettes? And could you talk about how you felt at that time? Like, what were your expectations at first versus what the reality of things ended up being? And did you kind of have like a strategy going into night one? Like, I don't know if there was a fear of getting rejected again lingering in the back of your mind.

Britt Nilsson: Sure. Sure. I mean, I found out, it was pretty, pretty close to when we started filming actually. I found out, you know, it's kind of a good news, bad news thing, and they go you're going to be the bachelorette, bad news, there's going to be another one as well. And I was like oh, my gosh. And then they said it was Kaitlyn. That's good news. I mean, it was just kind of a whirlwind. And my emotions were all over the place. Obviously, it's an amazing opportunity but it's so different than I've ever seen it so I had a lot of questions.

As far as strategy, you know, I don't know how you can make someone want to marry you if they don't. You know, my strategy, honestly, is just to try and just be myself. And I had like, a pretty positive feeling about it so there was not a lot of fear going into it, just feel like it's kind of blessing. So, honestly, my strategy was just, you know, talk to these guys and try to be as pleasant as possible even though the situation is overwhelming, to try to let them know who I am and understand who they are, too.

Question: Sure. A lot of bachelor nation went crazy on social media over having two bachelorettes saying it was unfair for both of you because you had already faced rejection. Shawn Mull, for example, called it flat out degrading because he thought it diverts the power back to men. What's your stance on that? And I guess, if you were to become the sole bachelorette, would you feel like you kind of got cheated a little bit out of the full experience compared to everyone before you, you know what I mean?

Britt Nilsson: Yes. You know, it's interesting. I mean, I did hear people say that and I've been asked that a lot. When they told me there was two, I didn't see it as sexist or degrading at all. I mean, I didn't think it had to do with us being women. I just thought that they couldn't decide so there was two. I know they've done that for men as well in a previous season. So, I didn't see it as degrading. I honestly kind of thought as a complement like we're both so great. I like Kaitlyn a lot so being put on the same level with her, I was like I get it. And it's interesting. It's kind of more like how a real relationship would unfold where you're choosing each other. It didn't upset me and I read a lot of people saying that. But personally, I didn't always see it that way.

Question: Hi. Are you happy with the way it ended up?

Britt Nilsson: Yes.

Question: I know - I know you can't tell us so I guess I'll just phrase it like that.

Britt Nilsson: Yes. No, I won't go into detail but, yes, I'm very happy. I actually - yes, very happy.

Question: OK. And did it have - did being - did working with Kaitlyn, did it affect your relationship at all in a negative way?

Britt Nilsson: Honestly, I think it made us better friends, to be honest. I mean, it's a pretty singular situation to be in. Not a lot of people can say they've done it. And now, I think, we kind of supported each other and actually bonded over the crazy thing that was happening around us.

Question: And did you - do you still speak with her?

Britt Nilsson: Yes, yes, yes. We (actually) talked the other day, yes.

Question: So, I just want to know is anyone there for the wrong reason?

Britt Nilsson: You know what? I mean, that's hard to say and I'm very wary of saying that because some people (said) that about me which was very false. So, you know, as far as I could tell, I don't think so.

Question: OK. And there was a lot - there's always a lot of drama every season. And in the trailer we saw some of the men fight.

Britt Nilsson: I think that there is always drama because of the scenarios. So, yes, there will be drama for sure.

Question: So, I was hoping if you could tell us a little about your biggest deal breaker and just what's a big no-no for you, a turn-off?

Britt Nilsson: Oh, just generally men? I would say if somebody - number one, doesn't have like a compassionate heart to the people around them. You know, I kind of watch how people treat the people in their space. Like how do they act with their moms, how do they act to the waiter. You know, are they kind? That is a deal breaker if somebody doesn't, you know, pay attention to the people in their life and like strive to be kind. That's huge. Or if they've never like read a book.

Question: OK. And I know one of the clips coming up in -- that's pretty bad if no ones read a book.

Britt Nilsson: Right?

Question: One of the clips - that's like -- but one of the twists coming up in the premiere is that the guys have to choose between you and Kaitlyn. So, let's say, you know, obviously we don't know, you know, who they're going to choose but if, let's say, a guy chose Kaitlyn, is that a deal breaker for you or would you give him a second chance?

Britt Nilsson: I mean, the thing is I've dated a bunch of people, right? And obviously, not every single one had worked out. So, I don't think that's a deal breaker. It would definitely be a consideration. It would - it would be something I would, you know, be aware of. But no, I don't think it's a deal breaker at all. I think that actually Kaitlyn and I are fairly similar and I understand why a guy would like Kaitlyn. So, that doesn't turn me off at all.

Question: What my grandmother would ask, how come a nice girl like you isn't married?

Britt Nilsson: You know what? I mean, I don't know the exact answer. It's not for lack of wanting to be married, but it's just that so many things have to be exactly right on both ends, right? And it's the most important decision, I think, that you make in your life. Who am I going to spend the rest of my life with? And I just haven't yet found the guy who was exactly perfect and that I was perfect for him.

Question: Amazing. Amazing. You were - you're a model and you left that profession - according to the ABC bio - and you became a waitress ...

Britt Nilsson: Yes.

Question: It was - that was so - and you know what? My parents had restaurants. I've been a waiter. I've been a busboy. It's kind of a fun profession.

Britt Nilsson: Oh, yes.

Question: Is a reality show a way, even in the back of your mind, to sort of kickstart the modelling?

Britt Nilsson: Honestly, no. I mean, people have asked me is this the modelling or acting. And to me, doing reality is kind of in a very different sphere which I really don't think that it feeds into anything else. I think it might actually cut me off from - if I'm trying to do modelling, I wouldn't do reality TV. You know what I'm saying? To me, no. I mean, they were never connected to my mind. And I haven't been modelling in about four years. I don't know. I'm 28. I really don't think I'm going to get back into it.

Question: Good, thanks. So, after being shocked that Chris sent you home, how did you learn to trust your heart again and decide to do the show?

Britt Nilsson: Honestly, I think that's just the only way I know how to live. I just - I don't ever want to enter into a relationship not being vulnerable. And so, yes, there was like I have to do some healing but I also - I just still wanted to be married. And I know that you can't go into any relationship like holding back. That's not going to ever serve me and it's not ever going to serve the other person. So, I had to, you know, go home with my family and kind of deal around my friends and people that knew me. And then, you know, I was ready then. I feel like after the women tell all I was just ready to go.

Question: Great. And I know ...

Britt Nilsson: The closure and ...

Question: About the drama little bit, but were you expecting there to be this much especially so early on with so many twists?

Britt Nilsson: Oh, no. I mean, no. We weren't expecting it at all. Neither of us knew what to expect. Which is kind of exciting but, yes, it's been a whirlwind for sure.

Question: So how did you feel about the drama?

Britt Nilsson: I mean, it's kind of inherent in the show where people are competing for love. And so, I was prepared for it. But, yes, it's always surprising just - whenever you put people in a different - you know, in situations with strangers, it's going to get a little crazy. But it's fun.

Question: So, I want to know, on that first night, was there any awkwardness because you and Kaitlyn were talking to the same guys? Was there any weird moment there?

Britt Nilsson: I mean, yes. It's just - we kept looking at each other like this is so crazy. But honestly, I feel like the fact that we were like friends and we could laugh about it was actually really, really nice and good, kind of tame down the awkwardness. But, yes. I mean it's just a wild situation. It was wild. It was fun but yes, there were awkward moments, of course.

Question: And was there any guy that you hit it off with right away?

Britt Nilsson: I'm not going to name names, but yes, I did actually, several.

Question: And what was it about them that ... ?

Britt Nilsson: Yes, it was a good group.

Question: Yes. What was it about those guys that drew you to them?

Britt Nilsson: You know, there were just - a lot of guys got out and you could just tell that they were sincere. You know, honestly, even some of the guys being nervous was attractive. Anyone that I felt like just got out with themselves, that's really attractive to me. Those are the guys I wanted to go out and talk to again, you know.

Question: Good, yes. The - it seemed like there were some critics during Chris' season who said that you seem to kissing a lot of people. How would you - how much - how do your amount of kissing that we'll see this season compare to maybe previous seasons?

Britt Nilsson: You know what? I mean, I think kissing is important but that's all I'm going to say. You'll just - you'll just have to tune in. I'm not going to tell the end. That's like the good stuff. I can't give you that. You got to watch.

Question: It seem obvious that certain guys came in hoping to sort of date Kaitlyn and was that sort of a challenge to sort of interact with them?

Britt Nilsson: I think that there were probably guys who watched the season and so, yes, some probably knew who Kaitlyn was, some knew who I was. I was trying really hard to not, you know, do the numbers in my head or figure it out. But honestly, most of them seem fairly open-minded or maybe they were good actors. I'm just kidding.

Question: I looked at the crop of contenders and it's a pretty wide ranging field there. We have an amateur sex coach from here in Canada. What was your assessment that - what was your assessment of the men overall?

Britt Nilsson: Well, that's actually really funny because that was one of my most - I mean, one of the things that I - like was most surprised I was how diverse they actually were. I mean, I feel like it was a really good group of guys to choose from because they were so different. There were people from all over, all different types of jobs but overall they seemed really sweet and interesting. I mean, I was - I was very impressed by the group.

Question: And what sort of a discussion did you and Kaitlyn have ahead of time in terms of what your type are in men and maybe you developed a signal between the two of you to let each other know if you're interested in a certain guy and the other should back down?

Britt Nilsson: Honestly, we should have done that but we didn't. We didn't come up with any signal or anything. But that is a great idea, I know. No, we just kind of - I think we both just kind of jumped in feet first. We didn't really know exactly how it's going to look. So, we just kind of - you know, our discussion was we're in this together and let's go. That's about as deep as it went. So, it was interesting.

Question: OK. So, when we found there was going to be two bachelorettes, we had a bunch of major questions because of how it was going to work with you guys. So, when you two found out, were you thinking and worried about having a bachelor there, you know, after you guys meet everybody and then having guys there that didn't vote for you, like their intentions, their hanging around. Are you - were you worried they were going to leave?

Britt Nilsson: Honestly, when Kaitlyn and I showed up, we didn't know how it was going to work. So, those fears weren't really realized because - I mean, at the beginning because we didn't know. It was all a surprise. We basically just knew there were going to be two of us. And that's it. We didn't know much more than that. So, it was actually kind of nice being in the dark because then those fears didn't really have a chance to like creep up. We were just kind of flying by the seat of our pants and all we knew that we were both going to be there.

Question: And I'm assuming that you don't find out who voted for who, right, like the bachelors that are remaining there, the bachelorettes don't know who voted for them. So, does that kind of concern you two, like I wonder if there's a guy ...

Britt Nilsson: Again, like, that first night, we didn't even know there was going to be voting. The first night we didn't even know there was going to be voting. So, none of those fears even came up. We just were totally in, you know, Chris Harrison always likes to tell you it kind of at the last minute how it's going to go down. So, we didn't really have a lot of time to be afraid of anything. We were just - you know, all right, here we go and the guys started getting out of the limo. We didn't have time to process any of that.

Question: So, first for us, A, have you ever seen a broadway show? And B, what is your favorite musical?

Britt Nilsson: Yes, I have seen a broadway show for sure. I think, honestly, my favorite musical is probably Phantom of the Opera just because that was ones that I saw. Or ...

Question: Amazing.

Britt Nilsson: I think Les Mis is just the top of all time ever.

Question: Great. Excellent. And do you have a favorite - a favorite show tune or that you like to belt around the house when you're alone?

Britt Nilsson: Honestly, when I was little, I would always sing all the songs from Cats and pretend I was a cat, so ... There was a lot of that going on when I was young. Yes, you're welcome.

Question: Good. Thanks. So, there's sort of like a definite dynamic that happens between whoever is the bachelor and whoever, you know, the women are with him. Did it create sort of a weird dynamic between you guys, that there were - that there were sort of like a back and forth of who's choosing who at all? Or did it feel sort of like you were still in that position of being the one doing the choosing?

Britt Nilsson: I mean, it was interesting because it was both ways. Yes. It was - I think, generally, the bachelorette is, you know, much more, you know, sure of her position. And being not totally sure did make it feel like it was a two-way street which, honestly, I feel like is closer to a regular relationship, that kind of put it back into like a - almost a more organic way of being because it's not like I'm the queen and I'm choosing. They were choosing us as well. So, it kind of made it a little more realistic, to be honest.

Question: OK. And did you end up feeling any sympathy for Chris, having seen sort of his angle of what he went through?

Britt Nilsson: Oh, totally, totally, totally. I get the nerves - there's just nerves on both ends. But, yes, being on the opposite end is so nerve-racking. It's still a big deal. That's doesn't go away.

Question: You look stunning in the previews in the season premiere. So, I was just wondering what designer you were wearing the first night and how you decided on your dress?

Britt Nilsson: Oh, my gosh. I actually don't know who the designer was. I feel terrible.

Question: Oopsies. So, how did you decide on what you were going to wear?

Britt Nilsson: I actually had a stylist, (Carrie), who was so amazing. He had me - we tried on a million dresses. And that when I put it on, I was like yes, that's it. It just felt right and I fell in love with it. So, as soon as I put it on, I was like this is the one.

Question: And did you feel more pressure with what you were going to wear that - given because you were the only woman or one of two women instead of in a group of women?

Britt Nilsson: I mean, at first, I was like - yes, of course. I mean, Kaitlyn's beautiful and I'm like I want to look beautiful, too. But we weren't - we weren't trying on dresses together so I have no idea what she was going to wear. I could really just, you know, try to put things on and be like what feels right? And when I put that one on, it was just - there was no question. I was like this is it. It's exactly what I wanted. I didn't go in with a plan but as soon as I put it on, I was, yes.

Question: OK. So, RealityWanted is a reality TV casting site. Now that you've been on both sides of the table, what's your best advice for future contestants on the show?

Britt Nilsson: Honestly, I think the best advice, you know, in life and especially on reality TV is just to be yourself because, I mean, honestly, you can't control a lot of what's going on around you. And you know, reality TV is usually based upon kind of like extreme situations where people are just interacting. And I think the only - the only way you're going to survive is if you just are yourself and remain true and honest to how you're feeling. And keep your heart open because otherwise it's kind of a waste of your time. And it works out in the end.

Question: Great. Great. And what was more nerve-racking for you, being the bachelorette, meeting 25 eligible men, or being one of 25 eligible women meeting the bachelor?

Britt Nilsson: I think I was much more nervous the first time around. Meeting Chris was much more nerve-racking. You know, having Kaitlyn by my side, and then made it better. And also, this was a really exciting thing like being the bachelorette was an amazing opportunity. So, the nerves the first time around, for sure.

Question: Good. Thanks. So, what kind of situations cause the most drama in the house? Would it be like unexpected arrivals, exits, stuff like that?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes. I would say maybe a little too much alcohol flowing in the house.

Question: (You're going to talk all night). So, do you - like if you do learn that any of the guys are there for the wrong reasons, what kind of happens, like?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Sorry. Say that again?

Question: Like if you do learn that any other guys are there for the wrong reasons, how do you handle those situations?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Honestly, if I found out anyone was there for the wrong reasons, I would just have zero problem walking them out the door.

Question: Hey, Kaitlyn. How are you? Thanks for joining us today.

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I'm - oh, hi. Thank you for having me.

Question: OK. So, I wanted to see - I mean, obviously you're asked to be the bachelorette and then you hear that there's two of you which obviously is something that we haven't seen before and probably something you weren't expecting. So, wanted to see what your initial thoughts were and if it lheld you back from saying yes?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: It was definitely unexpected and I was shocked. And yes - I was kind of just beside myself because I didn't know what to think. I wasn't excited about it but I just really had to take a step back and think of the light at the end of the tunnel.

Question: And, like, standing - obviously standing next to your friend. So, were you kind of - because I'm sure it's such a nerve-racking situation and you've been on the other side. But was it kind of cool having a friend next to you or did you kind of feel even more pressure?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: No. To be honest, it felt like it took the pressure off a little bit which is a weird thing to say because there's - I think there's more pressure on the guys like who do they go to first and they don't even know us. And so, I feel like it's just the pressure off us and more pressure on the guys.

Question: I'm going to ask - because I asked Britt - and it's a question grandmothers all over the world ask, you're a very attractive type of woman, how come a nice girl like you isn't married?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: To be honest, I don't - I just feel like in this day and age, grandma - in this day and age, I just feel like, you know, people live their 20s and do things differently. And I just found that each year of my 20s, I was getting to know myself better and I just feel like I'm at a point in my life where if, you know, I love who I am and I'm comfortable with who I am and I'm ready to allow somebody else to love me, too.

Question: Very nice. Now, I might be revealing too much here but it's a set up for the question. When I realized that I was in love with the woman I married, it was like oh, of course. It was like oh, two plus two is four. But I'd not seen this before. Everybody's experience is different but this is mine. Have you ever been in love - not a crush or infatuation - where you just know and say oh, of course.

Kaitlyn Bristowe: No, I do believe I was in love. But I also know that it wasn't the right person. But I still - it doesn't take away from that relationship, it just wasn't meant to be. But I do believe I was in love with that person. Yes.

Question: Are you talking about Chris or something else?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: No. Somebody else.

Question: OK. Just asking. Just checking. Great. OK. Because you did look like you were kind of in love with Chris.

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Oh, I definitely fell in love with Chris.

Question: Oh, OK. Then ...

Kaitlyn Bristowe: It just - it took a little more time. It wasn't like an a-ha moment. It just took a little more time but I definitely fell in love with him.

Question: I'm good. So, was there any moment that you were kind of like, no, this isn't what I signed up for when you - when you heard about the two bachelorettes. I mean, was there any moment when you were just like no, this isn't what I signed up for, I think I'm going to back out?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes. I mean, I had - I was kind of all over the map with how I felt about it. At one point, I was like well, you know, if this is how I find a husband, then I guess, you know, like if - what if the line was the Bachelorette? You know, you go on a TV show to find love and where - the line is very gray of what's strange and what's not. And then there are time I was like, no, I don't need to put myself through that kind of stress just so like, you know, find one guy. But yes, I was kind of all over the place.

Question: And then what advice did you receive from - as in the former bachelors or bachelorettes about being the bachelorette? And did you ever hear any advice from Chris?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes, I talked to - I talked to Andi (Dorfman) and, you know, she just told me that just to, you know, always stick to who Kaitlyn is and to always go with how I'm actually feeling, how my heart feels, not to get lost in all, you know, the Bachelorette world, to actually just go with my heart. But I didn't talk to Chris. I wanted to but he's a busy man.

Question: Yes, that's right. Actually, there's a - there's a Canadian man on the show, on the series. He's an amateur sex coach it seems.

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes.

Question: Was it important to you to have somebody from your home country just in case you, you know, have the option of staying home if you choose that person?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: You know, I didn't even really think about it, that there's going to be a Canadian or not. I, you know, it wasn't something that stood out of my mind that I needed to have by any means.

Question: And what was your family's reaction to you wanting to be bachelorette with another bachelorette?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes, I think they probably have the same concerns that I did like do I really need to put myself through this to find a husband? But, I think, once we all talked about it and, you know, people fall in love in crazy ways and this could be just one of them.

Question: Are they - are they ...

Kaitlyn Bristowe: They're very supportive by the end of it.

Question: Hi, Kaitlyn. So, I was hoping you could talk to me a little bit about some of your deal breakers and biggest pet peeves when it comes to dating?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: OK. I would say deal breaker for me is if somebody doesn't want kids, definitely a deal breaker. I want kids very soon. Pet peeve, yes, I worked in the service industry for so long in restaurants and stuff, and it really bugs me if guys don't know how to tip.

And manners go a long way and tipping goes a long way.

Question: All right. And I asked for this earlier, too, is that - so, I know by the end of the premiere, the guys are going to vote. And, you know, we don't know the outcome but would it be a deal breaker for you if one of the guys voted for Britt?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: No, not at all. I - you know, they're put in a tough position where they barely know these two women and you have a short amount of time to even just sit down and chat before somebody else comes steal us away. So, you know, I think if somebody voted for Britt and then continued to say if it was me then, I don't know. I just think it would - I would have a better chance to get to know that person and I wouldn't hold it against him, Britt's lovely.

Question: So, it's been reported that (Josh) is a gigolo. Is that true?

ABC: We really - she's not going to answer any questions about specific.

Question: OK. So, what did you think about the drama this season? Was it worse than your season with Chris?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Well, I don't yet because I don't know - I can't tell you how the season went.

Question: OK. What was the best part about the experience so far?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Just seeing what crazy things guys would do out of the limo like each time a limo pulled up, I'm like what's next?

Question: Bachelor nation went crazy on social media over having two bachelorettes, saying it was unfair to you both because you had already faced rejection. Shawn Mull called that flat out degrading because it diverts the power back to men. What's your stance on that? And I guess if you were to become the sole bachelorette, you feel you got cheated a little bit out of the full experience compared to all the girls who went before you?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes, I know. I saw that on social media. But, I mean, I wouldn't have - I wouldn't have done it if I thought it was, you know, the most degrading thing in the world. I think, you know, the Bachelor and Bachelorette world at what point do you say it's crazy to do that? I think it was just a little twist and turn that they decided to do. And I just think the main thing we all have to think about was the end result and finding one person.

Question: OK. When thinking about the casting process, I'm wondering if producers picked 25 guys with both of you girls in mind, meaning they didn't necessarily (go) to your specific wants or needs. Or on the flipside, some guys were chosen as perfect matches for you and others for Britt which would seem to make your pool of quality men to choose from much smaller than usual. Could you talk about that little bit? Like you think this twist could have hindered your chance of finding true love?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Actually, that's a good question. I just think there's all - like every single season, there's all types of personalities. There's people how are outgoing. There's people who are funny. There are people who are shy. There's people who are successful. There's people who aren't. So, there's a certain mix in every season. So, I don't think that's changed. I think it was just a handful of people that, you know, could be a match for Britt, could be a match for me.

Question: Good. Thank you. So, you seem to take, you know, being kicked off the Bachelor really hard. Obviously you have feelings attached. Were there any apprehension joining the Bachelorette knowing that you could be rejected again so soon?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: You know, I think that's hard even if I was to go about my everyday life or go on the Bachelorette. There's always that chance of rejection. I mean, it's never an easy thing to put yourself through but I like to think I've tough skin. I'd do it again all in the name of love, you know.

Question: And then my next question is obviously there's two of you and you're vying for the same group of guys. Was there any awkward moments that first night if you are both kind of interested in the same person?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: You know, it's funny. Like even we - out of the limo, you know, I was never really that uncomfortable. I think we expected it to be a lot more uncomfortable but it's kind of like having a friend beside you and we laughed about it. Then we didn't really see too much of each other throughout the rest of the night. So, we didn't really have that problem.

Question: Good. I was just going to ask - and I don't know if you could really tell us a lot about it - but in the promo we see men kind of putting, you know, the famous roses into this box kind of like survivor like. Can you tell us anything about the process of the vote or, you know, is it the first night and then they vote for you and then do you guys cut people? Or can you tell us anything about the process?

ABC: She can't really.

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes.

ABC: Other than, you know - you know, they vote the first night. And that's all we can really tell you. You'll have to - you'll have to watch.

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes.

Question: OK. And then just a follow up, you talked about how hard it was for you to kind of reach this decision. How long did it take to actually reach the decision that you wanted to be a part of the show?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Like from when I found out there's two bachelorettes to the first night?

Question: Yes. I was just - like when they presented it to you saying oh, you're the bachelorette, also we're going to pick Britt. How -- you kind of talked about going back and forth, how long did it take you to make that decision?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes. It's probably - you know, it probably took me a good solid five days of thinking about it, maybe a week.

Question: So, when we just talked to Britt, she said that you guys didn't know what was going on and Chris Harrison didn't tell you anything in the first night. So, I was just kind of wondering what were you two expecting? What were your expectations? Did you think you both were going to stay with these 25 bachelors?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: No. I mean, I guess I was kind of in the dark. I didn't really know for sure. But I was just - I didn't know how it was going to go. I just think it was going to be a vote. But I just thought maybe - you know, maybe the guys would have to present us with roses and whoever has the most roses - I wasn't sure.

Question: Oh, OK. Great. Thanks. And also, you - I mean, if I feel like majority people have been expecting that you're going to be the one that is staying. Did you feel confident going into that first night? Like you would be staying or anything like that?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I mean, I felt confident in myself. I don't know about the situation because I didn't know, you know, what kind of guys were going to be there. So, I'm confident who I am. And it just depended on, you know, what the guys are really looking for.

Question: How would you say that your sort of approach to handling that first night kind of from -- sort of maybe the way Britt handled it or the way that you two interacted with the guys?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes, I think - in my mind, I was a little more hesitant it just felt a little awkward, I think, to think of having another person there. And you know, this competitive feeling nature that is something I usually put myself through to find the guy. So, I think I was a little more hesitant or uncomfortable. And I think Britt thought more of like an incredible opportunity which I did, too. But just a little more uncomfortable.

Question: Interesting. Given the unusual circumstances, how would you say this first night of the season compared to Chris' first night? Just like a more probably sense of tension in general? How was it different?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I think it's just different for the obvious reason that there's two of us and there's only of him. So, you know, she could be a little more relaxed and, you know, just have fun with it where we were (technical difficulty).

Jennifer Matarese: So, I was wondering, you know, would you ideally want to end up with someone who lives in a rural setting like Chris did or are you more of like a city person would you say?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I've always pictured my life in a rural area. I live in a city right now. And it's great and it's fun. But when I picture a life, I picture more rural.

Jennifer Matarese: OK. And do you find that a lot of the guys, they were open to meeting both of you or were many of them there for just either you or for Britt?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I think that's hard to say. Like I think I was paying more attention to the guys who came out and said they're there for me. So, I like to think that most of them are there for me but I have no idea. I wasn't listening.

Question: So, I'm going to ask a couple of questions. A, have you ever seen a Broadway show? And B, what is your favorite musical?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: OK. So, I grew up doing musical theater and I was in Bye Bye Birdie, Fiddler on the Roof and Westside Story. And I love theater. And I saw Phantom of the Opera in New York. And that is my favorite musical.

Question: Oh, that's fantastic. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. Do you have a show tune or a show that you - when you're alone or like in the shower that you like to specifically like belt out around the house?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I mean, a lot of them. You know what else -- it's my mom that does this to me. It's the Sound of Music. We always...

Question: OK. Thanks. I was just wondering once you and Britt sort of learned about what was going to happen with the show, was there - was there a time when you two sort of sat down together to talk it over? And if so, what did you guys talk about in terms of sort of what you were going to do?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: We just had like brief moment before we went in to see all the guys after the limo entrances. But, you know, we didn't really talk too much about anything. We were just kind of standing there being like, this is crazy.

Question: OK. So, there wasn't any sort of like OK, let's try and keep it like as friendly as possible? There wasn't any of that conversation? There was just sort of like oh, we're both in this together, let's see what happens?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes, exactly.

Question: OK. And then was there ever a point where you sort of like talked to producers about it once it - like - did you like express concern to them about what was going to be happening or did you just sort of put your trust in them that they were going to put you in a situation that was going to be OK?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: You know what, I'll say this a million times, I was all over the map that night. There's times where I was questioning everything. There's times where I don't know if I was being set up. There's times where I felt confident. There's times where I was excited. It was every emotion in the book.

Question: Hi, Kaitlyn. So, a follow up question, would you say this is the wildest bunch of the guys ever?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I don't - well, I don't watch every season so I don't know how to answer that.

Question: No. I know you're like, you know, kind of wild guys, would you say that's kind of what you prefer like guys who put themselves out there? Or would you prefer someone ... ?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes.

Question: Yes, more themselves?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes, I am - I'm all about guys putting themselves out there, having a little edge.

Question: OK. So you like the guys who have like the more shocking entrances then?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I don't know. I like the - I like the subtle ones, too. I like to call them silent thunder where, you know, they come in quiet and then they impress me later.

Question: Great. And were you kind of expecting there to be this much drama especially early on with the first episode?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I mean, you kind of go into it thinking, you know, the Bachelorette, I'm sure something dramatic will happen. You kind of got to brace yourself for it.

Question: Hi. I just wanted to - I asked Britt the same question. Are you happy with how it ended up? I know that - I know talk outside of the first night but are are you happy with how it all ended? You know - however it ended.

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I think - I think it went the way it should.

Question: OK. And did this -- did being - does being the Bachelorette with Britt have any effects on your relationship, good or bad?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Sorry, say that again?

Question: Did being the Bachelorette with Britt have any effects on your relationship with Britt, good or bad?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Oh. No, I don't think it changed anything. You know, we both accepted that it was awkward and pretty much have the same friendship we had in the house with Chris.

Question: My first question is everyone's from (Anna Kendrick) to former bachelor contestants were pooling for you ever since you got kicked off the show. Was there a moment after that that you were like this is really cool?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Yes. It's - I mean, I still can't wrap my head around that happening or even like seeing a tweet from (Anna Kendrick) like I just - because I just feel like the same person. But, you know, when I really sit down and think about it, I'm like this is cool. People are rooting for me and that's a good feeling.

Question: Awesome. And then my second question is do you think it's harder being like an early frontrunner or do you think it's like better to have like a slower relationship on the show?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: That's a good question. No. You know, I think slow and steady wins the race.

Question: I was just wondering, (you're stunning) in the season premiere previews. And I was just wondering how you decided what you were going to wear?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: Thank you, first of all. I never thought I was a picky person when it came to dressing myself because usually I would just throw on a backward hat and white T-shirt and jeans and go. So, when I had racks and racks of gowns infront of me, I thought I would just, you know, pick one and go from there. But I spent a whole day figuring out on what I was going to wear. And I just wanted something sleek and - I'm not overly glamorous so I didn't want it to be this big fancy gown - and I just went from there.

Question: And did you feel a lot of pressure about what you were going to wear because you were the only woman instead of in a group of women?

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I mean, it's - that first night, I think there's a lot of pressure with everything you do whether it be how you stand, how you do your hair, what you wear. I think there's a lot of pressure.

If you made it to the end, congratulations! There was a LOT of great tidbits throughout this conference call! The big premiere is set for May 18th on ABC!

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