VIDEO: This dad teaching his toddler to break dance is too cute

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014
(Dominik Hungr/YouTube)
Dominik Hungr/YouTube

A young dad is bonding with young son in the most adorable way possible -- by teaching him how to break dance.

In the video posted to YouTube titled, "Morning jam with my man," Dominik shows his son a series of moves before handing it over to the toddler. Nikos, who is only 20 months old, does his best to imitate his dad's spins and handstand, but ultimately just runs around in circles.

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Nikos is clearly enthralled with his dad's dance moves, smiling and applauding as his dad dances around him.

As if the video could get any cuter, the tot then tries to make his stuffed animal perform the moves he has yet to master. He turns the toy hippo on its head and spins it around, just like his dad.