LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A new tree was planted in Griffith Park to honor former Beatle George Harrison. It replaces the previous tree honoring him, which died of beetle infestation.
The new tree -- a yew pine -- was planted where the old one once stood at the Charlie Turner Trailhead near Griffith Observatory. A lonely stump was all that remained of the previous tree, which was planted in 2002.
"Hundreds of people came out. They love George Harrison," said Councilman Tom LaBonge. "We love his music. We love what he stood for, how he was all about nature, just a special human being.
Harrison, in addition to being a legendary musician, was also an avid gardener. He died in Los Angeles in 2001. Wednesday would have been his 72nd birthday.
"I know he would be very happy to know that we're putting a healthy one back in, and hopefully, it will withstand all of the elements," said Louise Harrison, George Harrison's sister.
A plaque near the tree site includes a statement attributed to Harrison: "For the forests to be green, each tree must be green."
City News Service contributed to this report.