Two 'Bachelorettes', two nights, only one will be left standing

ByJennifer Matarese KABC logo
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

NEW YORK -- For the first time ever, there are two "Bachelorettes" but not for long! The 25 men arriving at "Bachelor Mansion" will have to choose between Britt Nilsson and Kaitlyn Bristowe. Chris Harrison said in the beginning of the premiere that the men all seemed divided between who should be the next "Bachelorette", so why make that decision for them? Will it be a "painful, awkward process", probably! Last season, these two women both were vying for the heart of "Bachelor" Chris Soules. Britt left after some drama with Chris, and Kaitlyn was in the final three but ultimately didn't win his heart. Now, these two very, very different women will be competing for the chance to be the "Bachelorette" and another chance at love, this time on their terms.

Britt and Kaitlyn both arrived in separate limos to "Bachelor Mansion" to meet the 25 men. They both looked absolutely beautiful. These guys are going to be swept off their feet by these two dazzling beauties! But before we could hear more from them, we had to get a first look at some of the guys. We first met Jonathan who is 33 and lives in Chicago. He works in the automotive industry. He also has a 5-year-old son! He seems like a very hands-on dad and we'll have to see if either of these women is ready to be a step-mother! He says if he were to choose right now, he would choose Britt.

Next is 28-year-old Joe from Columbia, Kentucky. He lives in a very small town. He really seems a lot like Chris Soules! He says that he would love to find someone to spend time with and he's hoping that someone is Kaitlyn.

Meantime, 27-year-old Josh lives in Chicago and he recently graduated law school. But that's not all; he also works as an exotic dancer so he could pay for law school! Yowza ladies! He's covered in tattoos and he's got some crazy moves.

Brady is 33 and he lives in Nashville, Tennessee. I swear, I could not understand what he was singing at the beginning of this segment. But he loves to sing and play his guitar and says, "I've always had melodies inside of me", oh brother! Go figure, he hasn't been able to find true love yet. He's got his sights set on Britt. Ugh, I hope we don't have to listen to him sing every episode.

31-year-old Joshua is from Kuna, Idaho and works as an industrial welder. He is hoping to get to know Kaitlyn and he's another small town farm boy! This one seems like a great catch! He seems manly, sensitive and handsome! He even welded a metal rose.

28-year-old Ian is from Venice Beach and he's a division 1 track athlete from Princeton, but his career ended when he was hit by a car and left for dead! He was in a coma for a day and a half and the doctors said he would never run again. He's big on fitness and worked very hard to rebuild his body. He runs every day now! He's hoping he can now bring truelove into his life and he says he really hopes the next "Bachelorette" will be Kaitlyn. I like this guy too!

Jared from Warwick, RI seems a little peculiar. He's very deep and oversensitive and takes long walks by himself a lot it seems. He says that he wants to go into this as a superhero called "Love Man" and rescue the "Bachelorette" from all of the bad guys. He says that he really wants to go on a date with Kaitlyn and laugh a lot.

Another oddball is the very handsome mop top Tony who specializes in flexibility therapy. He is 35 and from Kansas City, Missouri. He kisses his plants and animals and even he says he's unique. He says every moment of his life fits like a piece of a puzzle. Good luck with this one ladies!

Ben Z. is a personal trainer from San Jose, California and as you can imagine, he's in great shape! He was very into football and he even had a tryout in the NFL but I guess never made it. He says he has had a lot of success but has never been able to share it with his mom because she died when he was just 14. He says that he tries hard every day to make her proud. Ben seems like a great guy! He's open to both ladies and getting to know them before making a decision on who would be best for him. Now that's a level-headed man!

At last it was time to welcome the "Bachelorettes" Britt and Kaitlyn to the mansion! They met Chris Harrison and he explained that they would both be meeting the 25 men simultaneously. Britt seemed really excited about the night, but Kaitlyn seemed very anxious and bothered that Britt was there. She obviously seemed like she couldn't wait to get rid of Britt!

Limo number one pulled up and Ben H. went right up to Kaitlyn first and then went over to Britt. He said that he sponsors children just like Britt, so although Kaitlyn was nice, he was dazzled by Britt's smile. Jonathan was out next and he made a beeline for Britt. He told her she looked beautiful in her white dress and then headed over towards Kaitlyn and had some pleasantries and then went inside. Next was Clint who spoke to Britt first. I don't even know if he went over to Kaitlyn due to the editing but I'm pretty sure every guy goes and meets both of them because otherwise that would be rude! Then another guy that apparently Kaitlyn found attractive went to Britt first again and even called Britt a Disney princess! It's getting awkward! Jared came out of the limo and also went to Britt first. I mean, Kaitlyn shouldn't be too disappointed with that last one, he wore a dumb "Love Man" shirt that he had specially made for him. Kupa exited his limo and went over to Britt first, yet again! I wonder if some of them are just going to Britt first because they feel like they are supposed to go over to her first? Who knows!

Brady exited the limo and said he didn't know who to go to first, but went over to Britt. All of this made Britt feel very confident! Cory popped out and said a quick hello to Kaitlyn first and then headed over to Britt where he paid her a ton of compliments. Kaitlyn even noted that Britt is known for her first impression as she got the first impression rose from Chris! Britt could be a tough one to beat when night one is all about first impressions.

Ian was next and he did go over to Kaitlyn first and he even whispered to Kaitlyn that he hopes it will be her and that he will do everything he can to make that happen. I think that gave Kaitlyn the confidence boost she so desperately needed. Then the very, very handsome JJ was out next and he told her that he would love to "puck" her ha! He's a former hockey player. He seems right up Kaitlyn's alley! The very funny Ryan came out of the limo and said, "Honeys I'm home!" It was a great ice breaker. He said he was there for Kaitlyn. Brad wore a red headband and said he was there for a "love love" match ha! As in tennis. Then another guy rushed on by and before you know it Josh was there stripping off his clothes for both ladies! It was hilarious! He even ran their hands over his rippled tattooed chest! Kaitlyn told Britt that she could have him!

Joe followed that tough act and brought Kaitlyn some moonshine from Kentucky! She even tried it! Another guy sucked helium out of some balloons and Britt says it was hard seeing guys bring Kaitlyn gifts but not her. Just as she said that one of her prospective bachelors gave her tissues in case she cried because he had watched her cry a lot last season. Shawn swept Britt right off her feet after having a group hug with both ladies. He had a strong start with Britt but then told Kaitlyn that she was the reason he was there! That really hurt Britt's feelings! Apparently he gave both girls butterflies.

As they waited for the next limo to pull up, Kaitlyn rushed inside the mansion and Britt was like, "Oh no she didn't!" Britt felt like Kaitlyn was cheating! She literally just said "Hi, and that they didn't have to wait too much longer." Another limo arrived and David came out and said a quick hello to Kaitlyn and then headed to Britt. Meantime, another handsome fellow came out and asked Kaitlyn if the offer to "plow her field was still on the table" ha! There are a few with some one-liners that are perfect for her!

Tony the healer came out and went right to Britt. He was really sensitive and intrigued Britt. But that intrigue didn't last long as he walked over to Kaitlyn and said the exact same thing! That is so weird! Meantime, inside the house the guys are all talking about who they like better and it seems pretty divided! Ryan who seemed like a lot of fun at first glance, had a little too much, or a lot too much to drink! He was announcing that he was "all horned up and he apologizes for nothing". Something tells me he's going to regret this!

Then a car filled with water, or a hot tub car pulled up! Ryan yelled that the car "sucked" from the sidelines! He told Shawn E. that they wouldn't talk inside because he sucks! The ladies couldn't believe it. Shawn E. never even met Ryan before and he was totally ruining everything. Kaitlyn says that Ryan wins the worst impression rose!

Just as you think the intros can't get stranger, a huge cupcake came riding through and out popped the dentist Chris! He said he just wanted to do something "sweet" for them both. They loved it! The welder was next and he was a big hit! Now they both want to be the "Bachelorette" more than ever! Ben looked amazing as he met them. Chris Harrison was like, so "how was that?" They both said that it was amazing and that's 25 men that will be choosing who will stay and who will go. Chris said, "Go have some personal space and get to know the guys!"

As Kaitlyn and Britt walked in the guys cheered! They gave a little toast, but in their own different ways. Kaitlyn told a joke and Britt spoke about what she hoped to get out of life and a husband. Kaitlyn was very nervous and said the situation made her feel sick! But Ian set her mind at ease some during a private chat and said that he was excited Kaitlyn was there, and she remembered that. Ian made the first move and grabbed Kaitlyn aside while Justin told Britt about his 4-year-old son. Britt, meantime, was very excited and chatty with several of the guys.

The men are all making great connections with Britt and Kaitlyn! It's a bummer that they both can't stay! Some of the guys are torn between who they like better. Tony pulled Britt aside and (does he have a black eye? What happened?) he said that he feels that he gets a calming feeling from Britt. She told him that she has a strong sense of who he is. He said that he came there for Kaitlyn but now he wants Britt to stay. Another guy showed Kaitlyn a portrait he drew of Chris Harrison riding a triceratops! It was actually a great drawing!

Chris Harrison came over and told everyone that they would have to vote between Britt and Kaitlyn. He said that whenever they were ready, they should go in the voting room and put a rose inside the box with the picture of the woman they want to stay. Tony was the first to go in and dropped a rose in Britt's ballot box. Britt noted the vote could take 10 minutes or like 3 hours, so who knows how long this will take!

Britt and Kaitlyn started scrambling around and trying to talk to all of the guys to make sure they have the best chance at staying. I kind of hate that the girls have to be put in this situation, but on the other hand, it's nice that all of the guys will probably get time talking to each of them. Sometimes people can get left out on night one. Ben H. I think was the first one to ask Kaitlyn about her bird tattoos and while he seemed to like Britt, ultimately Kaitlyn got his rose and they made a great connection! JJ seemed pro Kaitlyn but then really seemed to connect with Britt! It's going to be very tough for these guys!

Meantime, Ryan is still sitting around and yelling comments because he is SO drunk. He was drinking straight up fireball on the rocks. Shawn E. called Ryan out for making fun of his hot tub car. Ryan didn't even remember it but then said, "by the way you do suck!" Ryan almost got in a fight! Ryan went up to Britt and asked to speak to her and he told her that a lot of guys liked her but was slurring a lot, JJ tried to save her. Then, Ryan even grabbed Britts head. He called the girls Hoes! What?! He was touching Kaitlyn's dress in an inappropriate way, and she slapped him away. The other guys gave him a talk and he told them that he never wanted to talk to them again. This guy has to go! Sure enough, he stripped off his clothes into a banana hammock and jumped in the pool! You knew it would happen! Ryan kept on yelling "I'm so horned up!" He even fell getting out of the pool! He started wandering around knocking things over and started throwing his rose at the photos. It was ridiculous! He told another guy, "Why aren't I raping you right now?" Dude, rape jokes are NOT cool. He has to go! At long last, a producer stepped in and said that Chris Harrison wanted to speak to him. Chris Harrison told him he was there for the wrong reasons and it he thought it would be best if he went home. They had a car waiting for him and the guys and girls were so relieved that he left.

Chris Harrison called everyone over and told them that Ryan went home for a bunch of reasons. It wasn't just the drunkenness, but he was inappropriate with Kaitlyn and was clearly not there for the right reasons. I think he wanted them all to know how serious they take this process and they all better keep their stuff together. Britt called out the tissue guy for being a "*ick" and at the end he was like, yeah I like Kaitlyn better! Ha! He cannot take someone calling him out. Chris the dentist said, "Cold hands, warm heart" when Kaitlyn told him his hands were cold! He was absolutely team Kaitlyn. Many guys were flip-flopping their decisions from their initial attractions.

Shawn, the Ryan Gosling look alike, came up to Kaitlyn and gave her a picture that his nephew drew for her. It was super cute! She said it was the closest she has ever felt to love at first sight. He told Kaitlyn that she is the reason he is there. Brady told Britt that he was there for her and that she's like a billion out of 10. He even played for the Cardinals at one point. They bonded over their love of having fun at baseball games.

Chris Harrison came back and announced that the votes were in and he was going to go tally them up. Someone would be going home in just minutes! They both looked so tense while they were sitting there and waiting. They showed Chris Harrison going in with another gentleman and unlocking the boxes and counting the roses. It was an agonizing wait for Kaitlyn and Britt. When you looked at the stack of roses, it appeared to be a pretty close vote!

The bad news, we have to wait until tomorrow night to find out who gets chosen! No fair! No wonder this is going to take two nights! Stay tuned, tomorrow we should find out who the guys chose, Kaitlyn or Britt. Feel free to sound off in our comments section about who you think the guys will pick!

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