'Wall of water': Sierra Madre resident records rushing rain carrying away Jacuzzi
Sierra Madre resident Rob Salinas, who lives right near the mountain, witnessed the torrential downpours and the resulting debris flow with a bird's eye view.
Salinas saw the debris basin below his home started to overflow and said it filled with about 18 feet of debris in about 15 minutes.
His camera was rolling as he saw a Jacuzzi being carried away by rushing rain water. "There goes the Jacuzzi," he says in the recording.
"We were watching it, and we saw a wall of water come down, and a little bit more, and then a little bit more, and then it started to rain really hard. I've never seen that. We've lived here for 37 years and we've seen a lot of water come down that canyon, but nothing like that," Salinas said.