Photo Captures Huge Alligator Roaming Florida Golf Course

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

This is one beast on the golf course that doesn't need to scream "fore!" for others to make way.

Two people on the links at the Myakka Pines Golf Course in Englewood, Florida, snapped a photo of a huge alligator roaming the course and posted the photos to the club's Facebook page.

"We have a lot of alligators around here because there are no houses for miles and it's just open swamp land," The club's general manager Mickie Zada told ESPN, estimating the size of the gator at 12 to 13 feet. "Our members know that when they see a good one, to take pictures and they did."

"If it's really cold you might not see one," Zada told ESPN. "But if there's any sunshine at all, it would be impossible for you play 18 and not see a gator."

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