Trump Organization 'still assessing' whether Hurricane Irma damaged properties

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Trump Organization is "still assessing" whether any of its properties incurred serious damage as Hurricane Irma tore through South Florida over the weekend.

President Donald Trump owns four properties in Florida that made preparations prior to Irma's landfall. Separately, the president owns a vacation home on the island of St. Martin, which faced a devastating direct hit from Irma late last week.

"Our teams in both Florida and St. Martin were very well prepared and we are proud of their efforts on the ground," a Trump Organization spokesperson told ABC News Monday. "We are currently still assessing the situation at the properties that were in the storm's path and at this time we continue to send our thoughts and prayers to all of the victims."

Trump's properties include his beloved Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, which the president has since dubbed "the Winter White House." He made the spot a regular weekend retreat leading up to and after he took office.

As of last Friday, the Trump Organization announced that the Mar-a-Lago Club, Trump International Golf Club, Palm Beach and Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter would all be closed due to the storm.

The White House has deferred comment on the properties to the Trump Organization, citing a desire to separate discussion of the president's personal assets from official government business.

Given Florida's history of devastating hurricanes, it comes as no surprise the clubs have had to deal with storms before.

The Palm Beach Post reported that in 2004, Trump, who was then a real estate mogul and enjoying the beginning of his "The Apprentice" run, spoke about how Mar-a-Lago dealt with Hurricane Frances.

"We lost a lot of the vegetation that gave Mar-a-Lago its character," Trump told the Palm Beach Post in August 2004.

"I wasn't there for the storm, but I've been told by my people there that it re-landscaped the place. There was a little flooding in some of the basements, too," he told the paper.

ABC News' Meghan Keneally contributed to this story.

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