High-speed chase ends in violent head-on crash involving suspect, innocent driver in Pomona

Thursday, January 11, 2024
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Chase ends when suspect slams head-on into innocent driver in Pomona
A high-speed chase ended with a head-on collision involving a suspect and an innocent driver on a street in Pomona.

POMONA, Calif. (KABC) -- A high-speed chase ended with a head-on collision involving a suspect and an innocent driver Thursday afternoon on a street in Pomona.

The violent crash occurred shortly before 2 p.m. near the intersection of West Mission Boulevard and East Brea Place and was followed by a tense standoff.

The innocent driver managed to exit their car and walk away without any apparent serious injuries, escorted by an officer. The suspect remained behind the wheel of a pickup truck for about 20 minutes before police apparently fired a less-lethal round into the cab, shattering the driver-side window.

The officers then approached the truck with their weapons drawn and pulled the suspect out.

The circumstances that prompted the pursuit were unclear.

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