Carolina monopolizes 'Bachelor' Grant with drama, drives one woman to leave the show

ByJennifer Matarese and Gina Sirico OTRC logo
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Grant and Sarafiena take a leap of faith
"The Bachelor" and his date Sarafiena jump from a bridge on their one-on-one date.

NEW YORK -- "The Bachelor" picked up the following morning after what the women referred to as the prom from hell. Carolina said that she felt like she had peace of mind, but many of the others told her that they wished she had waited so she didn't use up so much time.

Gina: OF COURSE Carolina had peace of mind! They spent all the time talking about her! I will say this about Carolina, I liked her pajamas with the cute dog on them.

Jesse Palmer arrived with a surprise. He said there would be no dates because they were all heading to Madrid, Spain. They were all very excited, and their rooms were a mess! They definitely had a lot of packing to do, but they had just an hour to do it. Grant was already in Madrid, waiting for his top 10 women to arrive. He said it wasn't his first time in Spain because he actually played some professional basketball there.

Gina: I love that he told them their flight leaves in an hour when, if we're going to be technical, it would take them an hour to just get to the airport. But that's beside the point, let's head to Spain!

Grant and Jesse played some one-on-one basketball in Madrid and took some time out to have a chat. Jesse told Grant this is the week when things really get real and some start to pull away from others. Grant said he's interested to see if some slower burners could be his one.

Dina's One-on-One Date

As the women sipped sangria, Grant walked up and they all greeted him with hugs. He revealed that he was there to take Dina on a one-on-one date to live like the locals! They went for a walk together, explored the local parks, held hands, and then ended up playing soccer with some children. She must have because she was wearing a coat around her shoulders most of the time. After soccer, they danced in the square together. It was sweet, but she seemed a bit out of her element. Then they read a wall of wishes and wrote their own wishes! Dina said that it was corny, but it didn't feel corny to do it with Grant. They had similar wishes! She found it refreshing to be with a man who wants the same things out of life that she does.

Gina: First, I loved to see the other ladies complimenting Dina as she was leaving on the date, talking about her cute dress and her lashes being on point. Second, I really wish she would have thrown the jacket to the side or put it on when she was playing soccer. The game seemed more about her not losing it than the actual soccer. Third, I think it was actually good for Dina to be out of her comfort zone a little bit. She said she's always been a bit of an ice queen, perhaps Grant can warm her up a little.

Then, they got into a rowboat, and Grant rowed her around a cute pond. Dina said she wanted to help row but was trying to sit back and let him do it. This opened an important conversation about working together in a relationship and being a giver or a receiver. Grant said he's used to doing things alone, but Dina is opening him up to being in a 50-50 relationship.

Gina: That's what it's all about, Grant. Partnership.

Dina and Grant's Dinner

They got into their evening wear and went to a romantic dinner together. Dina said that she doesn't always go with the flow, but the right person can bring it out of her. She finds that he compliments her. Grant said that her strength reminds him of his mother. She gets called an ice queen often. She's one of 11 children and they didn't often share their emotions. I can see how strong she is, but she also has such a soft, gentle quality about her! Dina asked Grant why his seven-year relationship fell apart. He said that he was trying to pursue his career and he didn't cater to what she wanted in the relationship, but they were lacking in love, loyalty, and trust. Grant said that he feels like he is finding something deeper with Dina and she has surpassed his expectations. They were serenaded by a singer and guitarist as they danced and kissed. Grant offered Dina the date rose and she said yes!

Gina: The ice seems to be melting! Dina's willing to cede some of the control and Grant is willing to see them as a true partnership, as equals. It'll be interesting to watch this relationship grow.

At the hotel, the women were talking about how much they would love a one-on-one date and Carolina was like oh, yeah, me too. She already had one, but said she needs more time. The other ladies think she is coming across as entitled and kind of ungrateful. The next date card arrived and it read, "Alexe, Litia, Carolina, Natalie, Rose, Parisa, Zoe, Juliana, love is a wild ride." That meant Sarafiena was getting the remaining one-on-one date.

Gina: I get why the others are frustrated. They all know what show they signed up for. They all know he is connecting with other people. Hearing Carolina complain about it doesn't change the fact that it's happening and will continue to happen as long as they're on the show. If it was someone who wasn't getting time with him, I could see the reason to complain. But as they all mentioned, Carolina has had more time with him than pretty much anyone else there.

Group Date

Parisa said the day started rough because she had a pimple, she burned her chest with her hair straightener and her spray tan was chipping. She and the others met Grant at an old area of town where they were going to ride donkeys! Parisa got a farty donkey. Her bad luck continues. Carolina's donkey was slow and had a mind of its own.

Gina: Parisa! Girl! None of that sounds fun, and then to get a gassy donkey? Wow. Also, Carolina's donkey was, in fact, acting like an ass. But perhaps it's a message for her to slow herself down with this drama.

Then, they met up with a matadora who could teach them about bullfighting. She was the first female in the area to have the honor! Pretty cool! They waved the capes as Grant wheeled a bullhead at them. This is one of the odder dates I've seen on this franchise. The women changed into matadora outfits and then did a challenge to win a prize. Grant even wore a matador outfit. Carolina joked that his budget was higher for his outfit than it was for theirs and compared the women's outfits to something you would find at Spirit Halloween.

The women mounted a mechanical bull and had to give it their all to stay on the longest. There was a lot of falling down! They all tried very hard and the locals that were in the audience certainly seemed to enjoy the view. Alexe grabbed the bull by the horns and used a new technique. It was hilarious, but it also really worked well! Then Zoe used Alexe's technique and some wrestling moves (she was on the boys' team in high school) and did an amazing job as well! In the end, the queen of the ring was Zoe! She got a special silver cup and won some special time with Grant.

Gina: I'd like to point out that they showed how long Alexe was on the bull (:47) but not Zoe's time, so did she really stay on longer? I have questions.

Grant and Zoe shared a sunset cocktail on the roof. They kissed and Grant just loved her competitive nature.

Group Date Cocktail Party

Grant said he just really hoped the evening would have good vibes. He gave Parisa some imported rocks from Spain. She was really touched! Parisa said that she always tries to take a rock back from whatever country or place she visits as a memory. "This is very romantic for me," she said.

Gina: Awww. That's very sweet.

Rose tried to see if she could get her relationship with Grant back on track. She talked about how she cried about it and she gave herself a pep talk. Grant said there is room for growth and he likes the chemistry between them. He thinks that they made up some ground and that they are progressing even though the situation with Carolina sets them a bit behind.

Gina: This conversation with Rose is interesting to me. You see him pulling Rose closer as they're talking and you see them working on their connection. Carolina will not be amused. But I am.

Zoe's dress is very open in the front. I don't know how he's keeping his eyes up, oh wait, he isn't. I think they are bouncing around. But it got emotional because she talked about growing up as mixed-race children in a very white area. She was adopted by her parents and she said that no men really wanted to date her. She had to shut off her emotions most of her life. "I never felt worthy of friendship, let alone a boyfriend," Zoe said. Grant said he appreciated her telling him about her past. He now feels so much compassion for her. He thinks he can resonate with her.

Gina: Hearing her talk about her youth helps you understand - a little bit anyway - why she can sometimes play the victim with the others.

Carolina and Juliana Stir Up Drama

Rose said she had such a great time and was loving the day, and Carolina was like, well I don't have enough answers yet. She doesn't think she knows him that well yet. "How do you get engaged after one date essentially?" she said. She just kept spouting off doubts. Juliana was aghast at what she was hearing.

Gina: Again, Carolina knows what show she signed up for. She didn't come into this blind. She knows the timeline. But also, Carolina is in Public Relations. She knows how to craft a narrative. This all seems to me like she is trying to place doubt in the others' minds to make herself feel and look better.

She pulled Carolina aside and said she found it "unsettling" hearing about her insecurities with Grant. Carolina was like why is it your place to even ask me about this? She's like because we are all in this process together. Juliana said if you aren't sure, you should leave. Carolina doesn't care what she thinks. Carolina said she still sees potential with Grant, and that he knows where she stands. Juliana said she hoped Carolina would choose her words more carefully in the future.

Gina: Yeah, I am Team Juliana on this one. She's trying to let Carolina know how she's coming off but Carolina doesn't want to hear it because she does not care. P.S. I love the ominous background music. It absolutely set the mood.

The other women said that it's tough hearing Carolina's negativity when they are all trying to be more positive. She said she doesn't question her connection with Grant. Yet, she literally said that she was questioning things. Carolina cried as she said that it was insane that she already felt intensely for Grant, but it's been one date, and she has to think about introducing him to her parents. That's never happened in her life before. Yep, that's Bachelor life. As Grant prepared to hand out the group date rose, Carolina cried. Grant asked her if she was ok, she said yet, but then he stopped to pull her aside and find out what was wrong.

Gina: You're right, Jen! Carolina says one thing and then tries to say she never said it. Girl, you have multiple witnesses! Now she's going to play the victim - again - to try and win points with Grant.

Carolina ratted out everything Juliana said to her. She said that she did have some doubts and she expressed them and that Juliana was questioning her intentions. She said she felt that she was honest with him about her feelings. Grant said you know what we have, just focus on that, it's not about Juliana, it's about us. He said he just wanted to reassure her. Grant felt confused. So confused, he said he didn't want to hand out the group date rose. Wow, Carolina ruined the evening for everyone. Again.

Juliana apologized to the group for what happened, but no one blamed her. They were like, it's not you. It's obvious it's Carolina.

Gina: Like I said, Carolina is crafting her narrative. She stirs the pot, makes the other women feel a certain way, they talk to her about it and she can play the victim to Grant (also getting more alone time with him) and make him feel like he has to protect her.

Sarafiena's One-on-One Date

Grant said he hoped the one-on-one time could fast-track their relationship and catch it up to where he is with some of the other women. He thinks she's a lot of fun and after the disastrous end to the group date, he wants to enjoy himself. They drove in a Jeep to a bridge where they would be bungee jumping! That's always a surefire way to bond!

It was raining out so that added to their nervousness. They strapped on the safety gear and Sarafiena did her best to keep Grant calm. They jumped off the edge of the bridge together and had the best time! They kissed as they hung upside-down from the bridge. Sarafiena and Grant took a leap of faith together and it paid off.

Gina: Dear Bachelor production team, I love y'all, but ANOTHER dangerous date with them jumping off something very high? AND IN THE RAIN? Y'all, why? Just why!? Do you not care about my nerves? Grant calling the waiver a death certificate made me laugh, though. I don't blame him for being nervous. And Sarafiena is a trooper. Good for her!

Sarafiena and Grant's Dinner

Sarafiena told Grant that she had a genuinely great time because even though the weather was crappy they powered through and shared an amazing experience. "We were together and making the most of our time," Grant said. She wants him to get her humor and she wants him to see all her sides. Grant said that he loves that they can be themselves with each other. Grant said that he feels hesitancy from her when he kisses her... and she says it's because my mom is watching! She's very aware of the cameras!

Gina: Did we just witness the most real moment on reality TV? Possibly!

Sarafiena said that her mom just wants her to be happy and someone who cares about her and treats her with respect. She wants her to still be able to look at herself in the mirror and be proud of herself after this experience. Sarafiena grew up with a single mom and she said she was ultimately embarrassed not to have a traditional family, but she wishes she hadn't felt that way because her mom taught her so much strength. Grant really related to her feelings and found her to be very genuine and ready to love. He offered her the date rose and she accepted! "Sarafiena was a slow burn but today things really caught fire," Grant said.

Gina: I confess, I think I may have overlooked Sarafiena before now. This one-on-one date really helped me see her a little more clearly. She is really cool and mature and could be a really great match for Grant.

Cocktail Party

The women were nervous going into the cocktail party after the group date ended without a rose being given out. Grant addressed the room about how his mind had been racing and then asked to speak to Juliana. He asked her to tell him her side. She called Carolina unhappy and ungrateful. She told Grant that they were all praying for time with him and there Carolina was complaining. Grant said it was hard for him to hear. Somehow Juliana managed to end the conversation with a kiss. So overall, it went ok, despite the fact that she had to use her time to talk about another woman.

Gina: Well, she has Carolina to thank for that. Juliana is absolutely right in that all the other girls were wishing for the kind of time that Carolina has gotten and for her to complain about it to those very girls wishing for what she had seems ungrateful. It feels to me like her having to talk about Carolina didn't change how Grant felt about Juliana, so that's good for her.

Carolina told Grant that she just wanted to have fun and not have drama. Grant said that it hurt to hear that she was questioning his character and their time together. She said that she is trying to take the experience seriously and she wants to figure everything out before a proposal is on the table. He asked her to come to him with his doubts and not talk about it with the other women. She left the conversation not feeling that great about where things stood with him.

Gina: This was an interesting interaction. Grant is right that she should come to him with any doubts or questions about what happens between them. He also lets her know that it's not all about her, that he has to put all the effort into the other dates he goes on and she does not like it. She starts to cry when he says it. She said she felt defeated and that's because she couldn't control that narrative to make herself look better.

Dina offered Carolina an olive branch of understanding and they shared a moment. "Thank you for seeing me," Carolina told Dina. Rose found it annoying. The whole evening revolves around Carolina again.

Natalie finally got to chat with Grant and it seems like he's struggling to stay in the moment. The drama is getting to him. Meantime, Rose told Carolina that she screwed her over last week with that conversation. She thinks she sabotaged their relationship. Rose cried and said to Carolina that she, "did her dirty." Then, Rose started to say she just wanted to go home. The pressure was getting to be too much for her.

Rose sat with Grant and said that the Carolina situation set back their relationship. She said it was unbelievably difficult and she just wanted to go home. Grant said, "I respect that, and you have to do what's best for you." So, he didn't fight her on it. Carolina listened in and smiled and walked away as she saw Grant walk Rose out. Before he started to hand out roses, Grant urged them to try to make the process as comfortable as they could for everyone.

Gina: Rose saw Carolina for exactly what she was and saw the writing on the wall. She knew Carolina would continue to muddy the water for everyone there and decided to leave. People may read into Grant not fighting for her to stay, but if you'll recall, he saw her breaking down and hurried to try and comfort her. I think he knew where it was going to go. Have no fear, Rose. I'd bet you'll find someone in Paradise!

Rose Ceremony

1) Dina (one-on-one date)
2) Sarafiena (one-on-one date)
3) Litia
4) Juliana
5) Alexe
6) Zoe
7) Carolina

I was shocked he let Parisa go! They seemed to have a good thing going. She wondered if she talked about rocks too much. She also was looking forward to getting back to her cat and finding him a dad soon. I'm not surprised about Natalie because she hardly had any quality time with him in the past two weeks. She just fell too far behind.

Gina: Yeah, I thought Grant and Parisa had connected a little more. Maybe those rocks were a "something to remember me by" gift.

Next Week

The women travel to Scotland! It looks like he gets quality time with Juliana, and fireworks go off! Litia continues her connection. Carolina monopolizes and cries through another group date.

Gina: What? More Carolina drama? I am SHOCKED, I tell you.

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