MALIBU, Calif. (KABC) -- Strangers from around the world came together to show support for a man who lost everything in the Palisades Fire.
Garrett Knapp listens to his police and fire scanner every day.
The 28-year-old has had a love for firefighting most of his life.
"Because you have people all over the world fighting massive fires, and we come together and support each other," Knapp said.
However, a learning disability prevented him from chasing his dreams.
"I wanted to be a wildland firefighter since I was a kid to fight fires, but since my problems I have it's been difficult," he said.
On Jan. 7, Knapp heard a 911 call come in that would change his life in many ways.
"I was on my iPad just having a chill morning, and then I got the notification about a brush fire in the Highlands that went to a first-alarm fire," Knapp said.
The Palisades Fire destroyed his family's home along with a small collection of firefighter t-shirts he'd collected over the years.
"Sad! It just blows my mind what a fire can do today. You lose all your precious shirts and your coins. I got a special coin from the LAPD two years ago that burned," said Knapp.
A small plea on social media to replace some of his shirts turned into a movement in the firefighting community.
"I think he's between 400 and 500 shirts at this point," his mother, Cheryl Knapp, said.
Strangers have sent Knapp shirts and other memorabilia from fire departments around the world.
"I've got Germany, Netherlands. I've got a couple from Israel coming our way," Knapp said.
There's one shirt Knapp is waiting to add to his collection.
"Anaheim!" he exclaimed. "Because that's Orange County. Station 3 is one of the best right now because they go on tons of fire calls."
Anaheim Fire and Rescue Chief Pat Russell heard of Knapp's story and wanted to surprise him with some gear from his department.
"That was very special for us, and when we repeat the story to the firefighters back in Anaheim, I know they're going to feel a lot of pride that they were mentioned that he wanted a shirt from Anaheim," Chief Russell said.
No matter the badge on his chest, Knapp is grateful for the brotherhood he's been welcomed into.
"Thank you for all the shirts. Thank you for all the patches. Thank you for all the coins," Knapp said. "I love them. Thank you."
Knapp and his family are overwhelmed by the love and support they've received from the firefighting community, so they want to pay it forward.
If you've been inspired by his story, they hope that you donate to the Los Angeles Firemen's Relief Association.