'The Bachelorette' Tayshia makes shocking 'hometown' date elimination

ByJennifer Matarese OTRC logo
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Tayshia meets Ivan's brother on 'The Bachelorette'
Tayshia meets Ivan's brother on 'The Bachelorette'Tayshia meets the men's families on 'The Bachelorette."

NEW YORK -- Tayshia finally got to meet her final four men's families and learn more about them on "The Bachelorette." These "hometown" dates were not actually in the men's hometowns, they were held at the resort and the show flew their families there and made them quarantine due to the pandemic. Chris Harrison told them to put together a date that would show her what life with them and their families would be like. The men didn't know who showed up, so Chris told them. Zac had his mom, dad, and brother Matt. Ivan had his parents. Ben's sister is there and as you might remember, she's the most important person in his life. Brendan's brother Daniel, his wife Christi, and their daughter showed up to meet Tayshia. Brendan said his brother has been the most important person in his life, especially after his father died.

Brendan's Date

Brendan started by taking Tayshia to a carnival game set up. His niece Aliyah was there to join them in playing the games. They did a ring toss, balloon pop, basketball, milk bottle game, and even won little stuffed animals. Tayshia seemed to get along really well with Aliyah and they all seemed to have a lot of fun. They ended the afternoon with some ice cream, a ride on those little mechanical horses, and a jump in a bounce house.

For the second half of the date, Tayshia met Brendan's brother Daniel, his wife, and Aliyah was there again as well. They talked about their past dates, especially the lie detector. They talked about the inconclusive result on whether or not he was ready for Tayshia to meet his family. Brendan's brother Daniel said that he was happy to see him have a connection with Tayshia and liked the way they looked at each other. He got emotional when talking about what an amazing husband and father Daniel is for his family, and Brendan said he wants that too. Daniel also tried to reassure Tayshia that Brendan is ready to commit to someone and get married. The conversations and the day really couldn't have gone any better. Tayshia said that she feels like he could be the one.

Zac's Date

Zac took her to a pretend New York City where they hailed a fake wooden taxi that they walked to a little bagel stand. Zac didn't like that Tayshia put blueberries on her bagel with cream cheese. New Yorkers, what do you think? Weird, not weird. Then they had some real New York City pizza, before ending up in a park by the fake water. Somehow they ended up in a fountain and making out. "She lights me up," Zac said.

Later, Zac introduced Tayshia to his mom, dad, and brother. Zac was sweating buckets! Turn on the A/C for this poor guy! Matthew, his brother, took Tayshia aside to chat and asked her where she is in their relationship compared to the other three. She sort of evaded the question by saying she felt like she was in love with him and he called her out for not answering the question. He's definitely a skeptic! Zac's father was so happy to see his son happy and he made sure to tell Tayshia that. He seems like such a nice dad! Zac told his mother that he's very happy and admitted that he's opened up a lot with her. He wanted his mom to know that he does want a family and a wife and Tayshia has helped him realize that. She sat there with tears running down her face because she was just overjoyed that he has such happiness after the rough road he's had with addiction. Aside from his brother's tough questions, they had a wonderful date.

Ivan's Date

Ivan started his date by bringing her to his room where he had cooking supplies set up. They watched a video of his little niece cooking a Filipino dish and she did an amazing job! Tayshia loved that he shared one of his family's traditions with her. Tayshia and Ivan worked really well in the kitchen together and seemed to have a real connection. It wasn't all work, they spent some time dancing and kissing, too.

Tayshia is only the second girlfriend of Ivan's that his parents have ever met. They seemed very sweet; although Ivan was bummed his brother couldn't be there. His mom quickly took Tayshia to talk and revealed that she's skeptical of the process. Tayshia told her it is a wild time, but that if you are open and honest, you can find something special. As skeptical as she was, his mom was kind and open to Tayshia. His father asked Tayshia about her previous marriage and what she learned. She said that she learned a lot about herself and that she was just too young. His father said that he and his first wife were too young as well, as Ivan's mom is his second wife. He said that he was impressed with Tayshia at the end of their conversation and he thinks that she and Ivan could be a good match. His mom ended the date by telling Ivan that if he picks her and she picks him, they will welcome Tayshia to their family.

Surprise, who comes out of the door, but Ivan's brother. He has so many tattoos! It brought tears to Ivan's eyes to have his whole family there to meet Tayshia. Gabriel, his brother, said he was just happy to be there for Ivan for once since he's always been there for him. He said that he found Ivan's energy with Tayshia to be great and said "Y 'all glowed together." Tayshia said while Ivan has told him about Gabriel's time in prison, he had also been singing his praises and really looks up to him. Gabriel brought the tough questions, and he thought she had all the right answers. Overall, it was another great date!

Ben's Date

Did they save the drama for last, yes, yes, they did. But before we get to that Ben took Tayshia to a pretend version of Venice Beach. They put on some rollerblades and skated around. They stopped at a stand to drink some healthy, yet gross "wellness" shots. Then they picked out some hats and souvenirs at a pretend beach shop, and even had a caricature done! They chilled by the pool and pretended it was like the beach. Tayshia asked Ben whom she would be meeting and he told her she would meet his friend Antonia and his sister. His parents couldn't come because his dad is a doctor and can't leave due to the coronavirus. "Tayshia is the most pleasant surprise I've ever gotten in my life," Ben said. Aww. Tayshia said that went Ben looks at her it's as if he's looking into her soul. That's deep.

Tayshia told the ladies that Ben talked about them a lot and it was so great. Madeline, Ben's sister, spoke with Tayshia and told her that Ben's a bit guarded because of the situation and just that he probably needs time. He reassured her that he's not hiding anything. Ben told Antonia that Tayshia helps make him a better person. She said she was so excited to see Tayshia and Ben together. Antonia, she could tell that they seemed like a good match. Ben said he wasn't sure if he loved her, and Antonia said, "You love her." And he had the revelation, "I love her." Antonia gave him a pep talk and told him to tell her.

The day seemed to go really well and Tayshia and Ben talked about how amazing it went. Tayshia said how do you feel? He said, "It feels so easy, yeah, uh..." Ben blew it! He needed to tell her how he felt and he just couldn't.

Rose Ceremony

1) Ivan

2) Zac

3) Brendan

Ben! Why didn't you tell her?! This is just like the group date where he didn't talk to her. Yet again, he got himself into a bad position, only this time, it led to his ouster. Tayshia walked him out and told him that he's incredible and that he's taught her so much and that she cares about him. Ben said, "I care about you." She told him that she didn't think their pages were aligned at this time. "I would have liked for it to go a different way, but it is what it is. I'll be ok. I'm always alright," he said. "Don't shut down on me," she said. But, Tayshia, you're dumping the guy! You can't blame him. "I'm heartbroken, but I'll be alright. I...yeah." They gave each other a hug and parted ways. She was disappointed that he didn't show any emotion and it seemed empty to her. She felt like it didn't mean anything to him. Tayshia cried and Ben worried that she might have loved him but thought he didn't love her back. Too little, too late.

Finale Preview

Next week, Tayshia takes her final three into the fantasy suites. Then, there is some serious drama and Tayshia's parents show up to help her make her final decision. The big finale will take place next Monday and Tuesday!

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