This young entrepreneur turned her love of horses into a thriving business

ByCarolina Zamora, Localish
Thursday, February 20, 2025
This young entrepreneur turned her love of horses into a thriving business
Mia Monzidelis came up with the idea for a rideable plush horse when she was five; now 13, her business Power Pony is thriving.

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While many kids' birthday wishes may include getting a pony, this young entrepreneur worked hard to make sure that her dream to ride and own one actually became a reality.

Now 13, Mia Monzidelis was around just five years old when she decided to turn her passion for riding horses into a business.

"I loved horses, and I wanted to ride one anywhere, anytime," Mia said of her drive behind creating the Power Pony, the worlds only powered rideable pony, complete with an engine and several different speed control modes.

When Mia first began to conceptualize her rideable pony idea, she first thought of putting a hoverboard under a plush horse she had just gotten as a gift. After some tinkering, Mia was able to get the stationary horse to move, thanks to the board underneath. Her parents, struck by the innovation of their young daughter's creation, immediately went to search and see if a product like this already existed.

"I started to search and search and saw that there was absolutely nothing available to kids that want to ride a pony," Mia's dad, Chris Monzidelis, recalls.

With her parents there to support her, Mia began planning what her final product would look like, drawing from her experiences riding real horses by including horse-specific movement options like trotting, cantering, galloping and more. After plenty of samples and test drives, Mia, her family and her team finally landed on the perfect design.

"It was so exciting to see something that I had created," Mia said, remembering the first time she unboxed and built a model of the final Power Pony design.

Mia's passion for business and horses has not slowed down; she's gone on to add more Power Pony color options as well as a version of the product for younger riders, the Push Pony.

Despite her young age, Mia's parents have always seen her as an inspirational and passionate entrepreneur.

"As parents life gets really busy, and we don't always stop to listen to our kids or think that something that they come up with could really turn into something, so I think it's sitting down and really listening to them [and their ideas]," says Christine Monzidelis, Mia's mom, with Chris chiming in to call Mia, "the best business partner [he's] ever had."

It's safe to say that Mia's status as a 'kidpreneur' reminds kids and adults alike that no one is ever too young or old to chase their dreams.

Inspired to start riding? Shop Mia's Power and Push Pony products below:

Power Pony

Power Pony

  • $399.00
    Power Pony

    Push Pony

    • $149.00

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