Antelope Valley residents wake up to inches of snow amid spectacular winter storm

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Friday, February 22, 2019
Antelope Valley residents wake up to inches of snow
Antelope Valley residents woke up to a couple of inches of snow amid a spectacular winter storm in Southern California on Thursday.

PALMDALE, Calif. (KABC) -- Antelope Valley residents woke up to a couple of inches of snow amid a spectacular winter storm in Southern California on Thursday.

You had to be extra careful driving in the area Thursday morning, but the snow and ice that fell on the valley had melted away by lunchtime.

Looking up into the hills, it was a winter-wonderland view.

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Southern California cities that almost never see snow got a rare sight as a wet storm covered even low-lying communities.

It was also a beautiful drive coming up the 14 Freeway. When reaching Acton, the snow blanketed the hills on both sides of the highway.

Locals said this doesn't happen that often in the area.

"I think it's lovely, it's beautiful. It's nice for a little change," said Acton resident Heather Cage. "If it goes away in a few days, I won't be sad."

In the late morning hours, the fresh white powder added to the views from the center of town.

"I thought, 'Wow, winter followed me here from Bend, Oregon, and my friends are not going to be happy," laughed Oregon resident John Pings. "Sure enough, they're not happy."

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