70-year-old lifeguard devoted to helping kids

By6abc Digital Staff Localish logo
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
70-year-old lifeguard devoted to helping kids
70-year-old Robin Borlandoe has dedicated her retirement to giving back to her community by serving as a lifeguard

PHILADELPHIA -- Robin Borlandoe, 70, is a lifeguard with the Philadelphia Park and Recreation.

After retiring from health care, she realized she could be doing more.

So she decided to become a lifeguard to do something for the community.

"The way the city was going down, the killings have risen now so I wanted to do something positive something I could do for the kids."

She says pools are just a small solution to the issues going on in their community, "They're safe; they know that the lifeguards are gonna look out for them," she says.

They've grown up in the city, they know what it takes to survive in the city," she says. "The kids often come up to them and ask them questions and just talk and maybe that's what they need."

Many of the kids coming to the pool don't have swimsuits so the Department of Parks and Rec has started a drive called 'Suits for the Summer", allowing people to donate swimwear to the children.

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