Assault suspect on the loose in Corona

CORONA, Calif. Police said the man tried to assault the jogger at Roxanne Lane and Main Street on Sunday at about 8:30 p.m., but she was able to fight him off. The woman was attacked from behind.

Police used a helicopter in their search, but the suspect got away.

"They came in my backyard and looked around, looked for something that he might have thrown or something," said Chad Kneipe, who lives in the neighborhood. "They were up on my wall back here looking around, shining flashlights everywhere, searching through the bushes in the back on the side of the wall."

Police were back out searching the neighborhood Monday morning.

The suspect was described as a male Hispanic in his mid 20s, between 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 11 inches, and between 180 to 200 pounds. He was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.

Police said in the last five months, there have been more than eight other attacks in various areas of Corona, but it is unknown if the assaults are connected. They arrested two suspects last month.

Police are warning joggers and walkers to be cautious, especially those wearing earphones. They advise walking with a partner and leaving one ear open or the volume down on your headset.

Anyone with information is urged to call Corona police at (951) 736-2330.

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