"We know that times are tough, but we can get through this together without laying off people and without messing with our retirements," Linda Dent from the /*Service Employees International Union*/ told county officials.
Los Angeles County supervisors are trying to figure out next year's budget, but they have to wait and see what /*Governor Schwarzenegger*/ will do. The revised state budget so far looks bad.
"His press release speaks to even more significant cuts. The impact to our county programs and services would be catastrophic," said L.A. County CEO William Fujioka.
The county expects there will be big cuts from the state that would hit just about every county service. Libraries already have reduced hours.
The Library Commission urges you to make every effort to find funding to keep our libraries open," said Library Commission spokesman Joseph Cisowski.
The proposed county budget right now would cut $885 million and eliminate about 1,400 jobs. There could be furloughs and layoffs.
"Sacramento has been a dismal failure," said /*Supervisor Michael Antonovich*/. "The state cannot continue to tax and tax and spend more money that dollars coming in. The result has been that every city, every county and every school district is now facing these shortfalls because of the state's failure to have a responsible budget.
The governor will release next year's budget on Friday.