Expert: Lindsay Lohan better off at UCLA


According to People magazine, the 24-year-old was taken to the Ronald Reagan /*UCLA Medical Center*/ in Westwood to begin her three-month stay in a treatment center for drugs and alcohol. The facilty has not confirmed whether Lohan was admitted per federal privacy laws.

A black SUV was seen arriving at the hospital early Monday, but it was unknown if Lohan or family members were in the vehicle.

A caravan of SUVs were also seen leaving the jail in Lynwood, but it was unconfirmed if Lohan was in any of those vehicles.

According to /*Steve Whitmore*/ of the /*Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department*/, Lohan was released at 1:35 a.m. and sent directly to a treatment center. She had been in jail since July 20 after violating her probation in two DUI cases.

Lohan requested to spend 24 hours with her family before going into rehab but was denied. It was also expected that Lohan would go to a rehab center in Newport Beach or Costa Mesa, but according to People magazine, the judge deemed those facilities not secure enough for the actress.

Lohan could be sent back to jail if she violates the rules. When she gets out of rehab, she'll have to undergo random drug and alcohol testing for 12 months.

"What's happening now at /*UCLA*/ is that she's being evaluated for her drug history," said Dr. Carole Lieberman, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA.

Lieberman said lockdown programs at the Ronald Reagan medical center are nothing like the Newport facility or other resort-style retreats Lohan preferred.

"A lot of rehab facilities don't have a closed door policy," she said. "They take the patients on outings or they put them in situations where it is much easier to pass them drugs. At UCLA the chances of that happening are very unlikely."

Probation documents name prescription drugs Lohan also uses.

"If Lindsay were my patient, I would first address getting her off Dilaudid and Adderall," Lieberman said. "These are drugs that are being abused."

Dilaudid, a derivative of morphine is prescribed for extreme pain. Adderall is for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

"The key to understanding why Lindsay has been on this path to becoming a greater and greater train wreck is because no one has made her stand still long enough to figure out what her underlying psychological problems are," Lieberman said. "This judge may have very well saved her life by causing this to happen."

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