Several whale-watching boats and a few paddle-boarders were nearby to enjoy the amazing sight up close. AIR7 HD caught the whales on camera as they enjoyed the clear, sunny day along the Pacific Ocean.
It's very rare to see /*blue whales*/ in these waters; some say it's been 20 to 30 years since they've seen a pod of blue whales in the area. The unique experience made the afternoon adventure on the Voyager Excursion a trip of a lifetime for the more than 140 people on board.
"They came right up to the boat, they were right next to us," said Beverly Brotman, a Redondo Beach resident. "It was just great. I've never seen anything like this here."
"This is truly a phenomenon. It's an unprecedented amount of whales we've seen in this area since anyone can remember," said Craig Stanton, owner of Voyager Excursions.
He said the colder water temperature likely lured the blue whales our way, and scientists predict they'll continue to feed on the abundant creel in the area for another month.
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