Man named Justin Bieber gets confused as star

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Ever since the teen /*Bieber*/ made it big, the 35-year-old Bieber has had to deal with a phone that won't stop ringing and about 10 fan mail letters each day.

Even after changing his phone number and putting it under his wife's name, the calls kept coming.

He received 50 messages in just two hours.

"It's messages from, 'Hey, /*Justin Bieber*/, I love you' to 'You're the worst singer ever.' It's just a little hard to sleep at night when the phones ring constantly," said Bieber.

It's not just the nonstop calls that are bothersome. Bieber was kicked off of /*Facebook*/ for having a fake name.

He said the only good thing to come out of the case of mistaken identity is that people now know how to pronounce Bieber correctly.

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