An exclusive Eyewitness News poll conducted by SurveyUSA showed that Democratic Sen. /*Barbara Boxer*/ maintains her lead over Republican /*Carly Fiorina*/. The poll showed Boxer with 46 percent of the vote and Fiorina with 38 percent. Six percent are voting for other candidates and 10 percent were still undecided.
Boxer made a campaign stop at a Toluca Lake diner Monday.
"The people have to vote. If we have a decent turnout, I'll be back in the senate fighting for California," said Boxer.
Fiorina hopes more of those undecided voters will swing to her. She continues to stress that Boxer has had plenty of time in Washington, and it's time for change.
"Seventy-plus percent of Californians think this nation is headed in the wrong direction," said Fiorina. "And when you feel that way, you don't vote for a 28-year incumbent."
Both candidates focused on the importance of putting people back to work.
"If you want to give small businesses and family-owned businesses a helping hand so they can put people back to work, vote for Carly," said Fiorina.
"My policies are about today and tomorrow and yesterday. They are about jobs. They are about made in America again. They are about middle-class people being able to walk with dignity and support their families," said Boxer.