It was the city's fourth year hosting CicLAvia, which closed several streets between downtown L.A. and Hollywood to motored traffic.
"It's great. You see all sorts of people from different parts of the city come together," said Peter Hernandez of Alhambra.
The event gave many a chance to see the city at a different pace, flooded with people, rather than cars.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said it's something he wants to continue to see. At a press conference kicking off the event, the mayor announced a partnership with Bike Nation, a bike share company, to install 400 kiosks by the end of this year. The plan is to have 4,000 bikes throughout L.A. that people can use for a fee. Along with that, Villaraigosa has pledged to install 1,600 miles worth of bike lanes in the city.