Retro training techniques that get good results


One of the oldest on the Palpitating Panthers competition team, Mark Taglianetti, 30, wasn't afraid to jump back in following college.

The CrossFit instructor considers jump rope fabulous for cardio and flexibility but the 20-member team does more than just skip.

"They have to do enough speed jumps in a minute. They have to do a number of tricks forwards and backwards," Taglianetti said.

Another workout bouncing back into the scene is the mini trampoline.

"As we get older, our joints don't handle all that abuse all that well so the trampoline has given us a vehicle so that we can continue to exercise at a very high intensity level," Steve Carver, a Jump Sport fitness advisor said.

Forty percent reduction in impact allows you to train hard. There's even a PlyoFit adapter allowing you to target exercises that you may not be able to do.

From post-rehab to extreme agility training, the exercise trains all fitness levels.

"It hits muscles that we don't often use to the fullest extent," Michele McKittrick of Westlake Village said.

Now Zumba is not new and neither is a chair but when you combine the two you've got a sassy new workout partner."

Cheryl Wu Hall teaches the popular Zumba Sintaeo.

"What we've done is we've combined strength and resistance with our Zumba flavor and we've incorporated at chair," Hall said. "Zumba Sintaeo is slang term for sentado which is sit."

There's not much of the old sit and be fit. The exercise is cardio, strength and flexibility with a chair as your partner.

"You need a chair that's pretty sturdy," Hall said. You've got four points that hit the ground and a back that's not too tall and not too short and above all else no arms."

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