Whoopi Goldberg talks 'Sister Act' at Pantages Theatre


Whether it's Celie Johnson from "The Color Purple" or Oda Mae Brown from "Ghost" or Deloris Van Cartier from "Sister Act," characters Goldberg has helped bring to life on the big screen keep coming back, all three on the Broadway stage.

"I always try to shake them off after I done them, but they keep coming back, you know," she said.

The woman who is front and center on "The View" every day is happy to take a role behind the scenes. She serves as a producer for the musical "Sister Act."

"I know that I don't have eight shows a week in me, so I don't mind helping to put together a good show," Goldberg said.

After winning the Oscar in 1991 for "Ghost," she had her first introduction to "Sister Act" -- thanks to someone else saying no!

"Bette Midler, this was her part, and Bette turned it down, and so they came to me," Goldberg said.

The film and the stage musical share some similarities, but there's one big difference.

"Dolores is still black, that's what I can tell you," Goldberg said. "But she can actually sing, where my Dolores couldn't sing, this girl opens her mouth, and angels appear. It's great."

As was the case with the film, Goldberg likes the fact that this is a show that has something for everyone.

"You can bring your great-great-grandmother and your 7-year-old. You can't get into trouble seeing this show," she said. "It's relatable, it's fun and the music is great."

"Sister Act" is playing at the Pantages Theatre through July 28.

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