1st-grader shaves head in support of best friend with cancer


Last June, Zac Gossage was diagnosed with leukemia, a fast-growing cancer of white blood cells.

Zac's best friend, Vincent Butterfield, has supported him through his battle by selling scarves and fundraising hundreds of dollars for treatment.

He even shaved his head.

"And he said, 'Mrs. Koester I have a surprise for Zac,'" said Adrienne Koester, the boys' teacher. "And he pulls off his stocking cap and here I see that he shaved his head.

"I cut it off to make Zac feel like he's not the only one without any hair," said Vincent.

Zac continues to go to treatments but rarely misses school. Zac says he goes to school so he can keep playing with his best friend Vincent during recess.

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