Bullied teen changes his and fellow peers lives with a small act of kindness

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Learn how a bullied teenager overcame his social anxiety and changed his life -- and the lives around him -- by opening doors for people. Watch below.

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In a new webisode of WestJet's Above and Beyond, Josh had spent most of his young life being bullied by his peers, choosing to isolate himself at his small town high school. After his mother decided to transfer Josh to a larger high school, Josh had hoped for a positive change and to be noticed for who he was.

At this new school, Josh decided to make himself noticed with a positive act by holding the door open for fellow classmates. All of his fellow classmates. Spending much of his time between classes standing next to a door, opening it for all to pass, Josh initially received mixed opinions on this kind gesture.

"I remember, at first, they called him the doorman. They thought he was weird," said one student.

However, after weeks of seeing Josh welcoming them every day, most of his peers came around to see what opening a door for them was: an act of kindness that made them feel comfortable.

"It became something to look forward to do in the morning," said another student in the video. "You know that Josh is going to be standing there, with a big smile on his face, saying 'good morning.'"

"After that, people started to open up to me. Opening a door is more than a physical act, it's about putting yourself out there, getting to know people, make them feel comfortable, make them feel welcome," said Josh. "Opening doors, it gives people hope that people care."

Students gave testimonies in the video, claiming how Josh set an example for other students, and how this small act of kindness encouraged them to do nice things for other people. Beaming with infectious positive energy, Josh rose in popularity to be named Prom King the next year.

"He changed things in his school, and he was a changed Josh," said his mother.

Josh is now an avid public speaker, reaching out to younger students, and hoping to inspire kindness at an even earlier age.

"It's amazing how one simple act can change your whole life," said Josh. "I never thought doing something so simple could be so rewarding."