Ontario high school bans boys pep squad from dressing as cheerleaders

Leticia Juarez Image
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Ontario high school bans boys pep squad from dressing as cheerleaders
Ontario's Chaffey High School is not allowing the boys pep squad to dress as cheerleaders this year during the annual powderpuff football game.

ONTARIO, Calif. (KABC) -- Ontario's Chaffey High School is breaking with tradition. School officials have decided not to allow the boys pep squad to dress up as cheerleaders this year during the annual powderpuff football game.

The high school event is part of Backwards Day with the girls playing football, and up until now, the boys on the sideline in full cheer attire cheering them on.

Students upset over the decision took to social media with the hashtag #yestocrossdress to protest.

Some parents think students have the right to be angry.

"I think it is silly. They did that when I was in high school and it's all in just good fun. It's not trying to be offensive to anybody, it's just having fun," said Diane Ramirez. Her son is a senior at the high school.

Earlier on Wednesday, Chaffey's principal, George Matamala, met with parents during a monthly coffee with the principal.

Patricia Luna sat in on the meeting and says it was a tough call for Matamala to end the tradition

"I think our principal is doing this because it's to protect certain students," Luna said.

Chaffey Joint Union High School in a statement said in part, "Our school site leaders will always err on the side of protecting our students. While this activity has been a campus tradition, we understand, too, that there are sensitivities on all sides of the issue. This is not, as it has been framed, a 'ban on cross dressing,' rather a thoughtful compromise in response to the sensitivities that have been raised by a number of students and staff. "

The powderpuff game is Friday at 7 p.m.

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