Dad explains all the baby-holding techniques you could ever need

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Thursday, July 2, 2015
(Jordan Watson/YouTube)
Jordan Watson/YouTube

This dad knows there is more than one way to hold a baby. Choosing the best way for your situation is all about strategy.

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Keeping a completely straight face, dad Jordan Watson demonstrates the most winning techniques to hold your baby, addressing other parents like a coach to his players.

Depending on why you're holding your baby, you'll need to alter your strategies, the video explains. You might need to employ "The Standard Shoulder Hold," "The Dance Partner" or "The Show Off To The Other Dads Superman."

Watson's not-so-serious tutorial went viral on YouTube, and he's getting plenty of amusing comments from other parents who are (hopefully) playing along.

"I've got twins on the way! Please help, need crash course in the double-hold for advanced users!" one wrote.

"Instructions unclear, the baby ended up in the fridge," said another.

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