Vroom Vroom! Virginia funeral home owner introduces motorcycle hearse

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Friday, October 31, 2014
This motorcycle hearse, built by Virginia funeral home owner Michael Turch, has become very popular amongst the local community.
Michael Turch

A Virginia Funeral Home has come up with one way to celebrate deceased love ones that is simply bad to the bone: the motorcycle hearse.

Michael Turch, the owner of three funeral homes in Alexandria and Dale City, Virginia, conceived and built the motorcycle hearse after customers reminded him of a funeral Turch had a few years prior.

"We had a family about six years that had (a motorcycle hearse) -- they found it on their own," Turch told ABC 8. "And over the years, everyone would comment, hey, remember when you had that motorcycle hearse? So that resonated with me."

Turch's custom 2014 Harley Davison hearse definitely has caught the eye of the locals. In the three weeks since Turch has introduced the motoring hearse, two families have rented it. The hearse has definitely proved to be memorable in funeral services, Turch told ABC 8.

"Nobody's going to remember the box or the urn years from now, but if you create a meaningful ceremony they'll remember that."

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