LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Six cases of the measles have been confirmed in San Bernardino County according to the Department of Public Health.
Health officials said it is possible people were exposed to the virus since one of the confirmed cases continued going to public places while infectious Jan. 22-24.
Those locations include:
Inland Center Auto Body, 181 S. Arrowhead Ave. San Bernardino
Thursday, Jan. 22, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 23, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 24, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Elgin and Fagan Bar: 336 W. Highland Ave. San Bernardino
Thursday, Jan. 22, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 24, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Game Stop: 1100 S. Mount Vernon Ave. Colton
Saturday, Jan. 24, 8 p.m. - 9 p.m.
If you went to any of these locations and develop symptoms, health officials urge you to stay at home and call a health care provider immediately.
This latest news from the Inland Empire comes after a daycare center at Santa Monica High School was shut down when one child contracted measles.
Following the development, 14 infants were placed under quarantine for 21 days. They attended Samohi Infant Toddler Center, which is on the campus of Santa Monica High School.
About a week ago, a Santa Monica High School freshman baseball coach was also diagnosed with measles. District officials said the 70 boys in the baseball program have all been immunized and show no symptoms.
With more than 100 confirmed measles cases across 14 states coast to coast, growing outbreak now has politicians weighing in. The measles and vaccinations took center stage at a House Subcommittee hearing on this year's flu season.
"I think it's very, very clear that you have one of the most highly effective vaccines against any virus, and you have a highly contagious disease -- measles -- that can have serious complications. So to me, it's really a slam-dunk," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious disease chief at the National Institutes of Health.
Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to voice her support for vaccinations.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said parents should have some choice on whether to vaccinate their children.
"You know it's much more important what you think as a parent than what you think as a public official. And that's what we do. But I also understand that parents need to have some measure of choice in things as well, so that's the balance that the government has to decide," Christie said.
His office has since been backing off of those statements, releasing a statement saying the governor believes "with a disease like measles there is no question kids should be vaccinated."
Christie found an ally in fellow Republican White House prospect, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who said in a Monday radio interview that most vaccines should be voluntary.
"I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines," Paul, an eye doctor, said in a subsequent interview while suggesting vaccines were "a good thing." ''But I think the parents should have some input. The state doesn't own your children."
His staff, too, sent out a clarifying statement afterward, saying that Paul "believes that vaccines have saved lives, and should be administered to children. His children were all vaccinated."
The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly urges parents to get their children vaccinated against measles and other childhood diseases.
Concerns about autism and vaccinations are often traced to a 1998 study in the British journal Lancet. While the research was later discredited and retracted by the journal, legions of parents abandoned the vaccine, leading to a resurgence of measles in Western countries where it had been mostly stamped out. Last year, there were more than 4,100 cases in Europe, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.